anyone do spinervals


I just started using my jhonny spin bike after a long time.I didn't have very many workouts just the ones that came with it and 1 spinervals no slackers allowed.I ordered 3 -2 on vhs they are half off and 1 of the new ultra dvd's the leg strength one.I love the leg strength workout.I did 20 min of one of the other one thursday -mental toughness-this is the closest I have ever came to actually crying during a workout my legs were burning so bad tears were in my eyes.I haven't tried the other one yet muscle breakdown.I am looking forward to it-biking shapes my quads like nothing else I am alreading seeing the rewards of spinning.What are some good ones.I am looking at bending cranks and have mercy one and the sequel since those are part workouts taken from others.It was also nice to see Brenda in the ultra dvd I had heard she was in several of the workouts.
I do and I LOVE them!! THey are the ultimate workout along w/ running. I have no slackers, suffer o rama, muscle breakdown, uphill grind, big gear strength, time trial special, totally time trial, tough love, ride and stride and zoot challenge.They are such a great workout!!
Think i'll do one today, come to think of it!
Like Wendy - I LOVE Spinervals workouts. But I don't have as many as she does. :( I'm SO envious!!! I have No Slackers, Muscle Breakdown, Uphill Grind, Time Trial Special and Zoot Challenge - and one other one but I can't think of the name and am too lazy to go look! I have a bike on a trainer in my workout room. Being a cyclist and living in Wyoming, I need something good during the winter (windy, windy, windy) and as cycling season approaches. These workouts kick my butt BIG TIME. I didn't realize Brenda was in any of them. I'll have to pull out some that I haven't done for awhile. We were at a friend's house last night and he had one that has a weight workout too. I have no idea what those are like and he hasn't done it. I think he should give it to me. :)

I think Jeanette (Netta) does Spinervals sometimes too. Maybe she'll jump in.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
The ultra leg strength is wt work for legs it also has Brenda in it.You do various types of squats off the bike 3 sets of super slow 30 seconds down 30 seconds up-3 sets of as many as you can in a minute with wts-and 3 sets of plyo squats.It is a tuff workout.That is the only one with wts I have.The others look good also.
Cool, I didn't know she was in that one. She is also in Lean and Mean and Enter the Red Zone. I love coach Troy. He and Cathe are the BEST! I have all the ABB's, Bending crank arms, Enter the Red Zone, Lean and Mean, Sufferorama, Sweating Buckets, Time Trial - probably some more I am forgetting. Sometimes I have a dread factor with them. So I turn them on and after watching them for a few minutes, Coach Troy has got me revved up and I am hoppin' on my bike! Marnie
I have Enter The Red Zone, Lean & Mean, Mental Toughness, and Recovery and Technique. ETRZ and L&M are from the Fitness series, while the other 2 are from the Competitive series. The Fitness DVD's are easier than the Competitive ones, but they are still tough. If you are new to spinning, I'd recommend anything in the Fitness line.

I have my bike on a trainer and wear a Heart Rate Monitor. Personally, I find it tougher to get my heart rate up in these than it is while riding outside on the bike. In other words, my HR will go way up while riding outside but it seems tougher to do so when I'm inside on the trainer.

I've had a bad cold for the last few weeks so haven't done my Spinervals. I was doing one a week and getting outside to ride once on the weekend too. I think if you can do these at least once a week and really push, you'll become a stronger cyclist.

Hope this helps. Also on the video fitness forum, there are many reviews to read on Spinervals.


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