Anyone do Kickmax and KPC only with good results?


Active Member

I was thinking about mixing up my KPC and Kickmax along with 2 days strength. I was thinking about doing my cardio maybe 4/5 days a week and some yoga in between. Do you think this would be too much?

Also: question about HRM: How should I reset my HR to burn more calories? If my hrm said I burned 217 calories and was in zone 126-154 one time during Kickmax and my Maxhr was 95 and avehr was 76 and another time I burned 255 calories one day on Kickmax and I was in zone 126-154 and my Max HR was 91 and ave hr was 71. When I burned 255 calories second time I set my HR to 85-55. I changed my HR to 93-65 since I figure that is my ave and 167-126. Is this right?
In my honest opinion, I think your body will acclimate to those two workouts really fast and therefore you will see less progress in the long run. Optimal situation is to mix up these two with some other forms of cardio. Variety is key. Secondly, I have come to learn that excessive cardio is just not necessary to get good results. If you want to do that just because you like it, that is another story. I would say maybe three cardio days and three weight days, changing things up at least every few weeks.

I can't answer the HR question, but I'm sure someone will chime in to help!


"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time' is to say 'I don't want
to.'" --Lao Tzu
I agree with Debbie.
I LOVE kickboxing, and would do it everyday if I had my druthers. But I know that it is so beneficial to cross train, and, as Debbie says, the body can adapt fairly quicky to the same workouts (especially cardio, which can't easily be made more intense like a weight workout by adding more weight). And when the body adapts, it becomes more efficient at using its energy, which means it's found a way to conserve more calories rather than burn them.

Kickbox 2-3 days a week (non-consecutive days, to avoid overuse injuries) and add some different cardio, like step or hi-lo.

One exception: if you want to do a kind of "kickbox bootcamp" for 2-3 weeks, and just do kickboxing and strength training. Then don't do kickbox for a week or so, to give your body a chance to 'de-adapt'(I might have just made that word up!).
That's a good idea. I was thinking along the lines of a bootcamp for a short amount of time. I was just worried I might be overdoing it since I've never done Kickmax 2 days in a row.


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