Anybody watch "Rome" on HBO?


I didn't want to get hooked on another one since Six Feet Under went under, but I'm totally hooked! lol Anybody watch last night? Ole Pompey did NOT meet with a very happy ending! What is it about those HBO shows? They really put some quality stuff on! :)
RE: Anybody watch

Yes, and I LOVE this series! I guess Pompey didn't have such good friends in Egypt. I knew something was going to happen between Servilia and Octavia. Oh and the conversatin between Atai and Octavian was so naughty. It shoud be fun when Cleopatra's story begins.

Do you think Lucius Vorenus will discover his wife's infidelity? Do you think this season will end with Julius' demise? Is there going to be a season 2? Oh please let there be a season 2.

We have satellite TV, so I catch it on the western feed so I don't miss Desperate Housewives.

This series is superb IMO.
RE: Anybody watch

you KNOW i'm raising my hand as a big HBO freak! i'm starting to get into it. i love Atia and Titus Pullo. what characters!!! Vorenus gets on my nerves and we knew what would happen to old Pompey;-)

RE: Anybody watch

I'm a big fan too, although I shouldn't have read the comments as I haven't seen last nights episode yet, LOL! Not something we want our 2 yr old DD to be watching, so we record it. DH and I love it, next to Deadwood and The Wire it's our favorite HBO show.

RE: Anybody watch

Hehee...I just LOVE Atia...she's hilarious...she won't win any awards for mom of the year, though, that's for sure, lol...I sure hope Lucius won't find out about his wife's infidelity, though of course he will, lol...I'm not sure he would hurt her at this point, though, since it looks like they've fallen in love again, but ya never know!

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