anybody experience this?


don't post much, but i'm a huge Cathe fan hence i visit quite often, and now in need of some help. for the past 6 months i've had a really odd pain in my groin area....or at least i think it's in my groin, i guess it could be my hip flexor, but it's almost too low and toward the upper inner thigh.

anyway, i feel this pain whenever i try to turn my leg when you do the plie squats, or when i do "horseshoes" on the step. it's like something in that area "catches" and i can't do it. the pain is quite intense as well. the other day to avoid running into somebody while shopping, i had to put pressure on that leg and pivot my body around from the hip and the amount of pain i felt was excruciating. i almost screamed and it just radiated down my leg. i can't sit "Indian" style because i can't relax that leg all the way down without feeling this intense pain. also, i can't stretch my inner thigh on that side with the "butterfly" stretch because i can't get that leg to go down....

i'm not new to exercising i've done it for almost 13 yrs now, the only thing i've done differently is added running. i run 4-5 days a week 3 miles at a time but the pain didn't start until about 6 months after i started running.

any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

anyone have any ideas or suggestions.
If you've had pain for six months, I would definitely see an orthopedic dr. about this. Especially if there are instances when the pain is excruciating.
really? i truly thought it was simply a matter of needing to strenghten some aspect of my leg. <sigh> i know that seems kind of wimpy, but i was hoping somebody out there would have experienced this and could tell me what they did to "fix" it without having to see a dr.

kind of stupid thinking, i realize that.....<sigh> i just don't want to have to stop exercising and then start back from "0" again.

thank you for your advice! :)

You might go see a certified neuromuscular massage therapist while you are waiting to get in to see the sports orthopedist. It sounds like a hip flexor injury (CAVEAT - I'm not a doctor!!) and a really good neuromuscular masseuse can find the problem. I have had excellent results on both my glute - which I thought was a hamstring injury, but he found the adhesions way in my glute - and my calf, after rupturing my plantaris. Do not expect the relaxing, aromatherapy version of massage - it may hurt. But they go deep, slowly, and work out the areas where the blood has stopped flowing through the tissues due to injury, tear, adhesion from overuse, etc.
the neuromuscular massage therapist sounds kind of interesting only problem being i'm from a small rural town and i'm not sure we have any of those around here.:p

i will go see a dr.

seriously, thank you all for your thoughts and opinions. i did know i should go, but until someone other then the voices in my head, tells meto do it, i tend not to listen. :+
Cathy-I had a very similar problem about 3 years ago. I began running (without a coach and without any previous actual running experience) to train for a 5K. I just hopped on my treadmill and off I went. A few short weeks later, I was having this pain deep inside my inner thigh/groin area that was very much as you described. It hurt whenever I would stretch it or hop on it. It hurt during running and during step workouts. It hurt when doing inner thigh weight work (both standing and floor work).

I got scared when it wouldn't go away on its own so off to the Doc I went. She checked me out and said it was a muscle pull, on the very EDGE of being a muscle tear (which could sideline me for a LONG TIME). She told me to cut back on any hi impact cardio and increase my stretching of ALL my lower body muscles. I stopped running and made all my step workouts low impact. I added Stretch Max several times a week. About 2-3 months later, it finally subsided completely and I haven't had a problem since.

I would suggest getting it checked out first. Just for peace of mind, really.

Good luck, keep us posted!

hi gayle-

thank you for that little ray of hope....i guess i should take up walking for a while.

i did make my step workouts a little less high impact....i use 6" instead of my 8", but what about the high step? did you lower that as well?
Cathy-sorry it took so long to answer you again. I've been offline for a few days.

High step. I kept it the same height, because I wasn't actually hopping on that. Does that make sense? For instance, I kept the height the same during PLB as I had before the injury. I wasn't having a problem with that. I really only felt the BAD pain when I was jumping all around the place like Cathe has us doing. LOL. It was MOSTLY when doing that hi impact stuff that I would feel it. Try it out. See how a high step feels. Do what works for you.

Keep us posted, ok???


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