Anybody else tired of chicken?


I only ask because ever since I was pregnant the first time I can hardly stand chicken unless it is breaded or smothered in some kind of sauce. Not a very healthy choice. Before I became pregnant I would eat chicken at least every other day and loved it. With this pregnancy I feel the same way about chicken.

What do you eat instead? I've tried turkey breasts but they don't appeal to me either.
No, I don't get tired of chicken. I don't know why but I don't.

Have you tried Turkey Burgers using ground turkey. If you season it up real good it's very tasty, IMHO. Tastes vert good with cheese, too.
I've tried ground turkey, but unfortunately I don't care of it. I really want to like it, but it tastes a little weird to me. I'm not sure why.

I'm supposed to be working out right now but your post title made me laugh. I seem to get tired a chicken at times and then eggs. They rotate but what comes first (the chicken or the eggs) I don't know.

I like ground turkey but hate the smell of it raw. Turkey chilli is good.

I didn't help. I do try to eat right. It is just a process. Small steps have lead me to a better diet without too much of a problem. Also, I have tried slow introduction to things. Like when I was first eating spinach, I would add a small amount to salad. Eventually, there was all spinach and no lettuce. Well, I've veered off course here. Go ahead with the chicken talk.

I try not to eat too much of anything in a week so that I don't get sick of it. I am not as strict of an eater as a lot of you are though so I'm sure it's easier for me to avoid eating any one thing so often that I get sick of it. We eat chicken, fish, pasta,steak, as well as other meats...a little bit of everything. Variety is the spice of life and everything in moderation! :9

Have a great work out!

I was complaining about being tired of chicken, so I had tuna the other day. I know lots of people LOVE tuna, but I'm not one of them. I had to choke it down. At least chicken doesn't initiate a gag reflex with me. :7
I get tired of chicken also, and it's really one of my favorite foods. Of course I'd rather have it breaded and fried. YUM!}(
I just bought some ground turkey and LOVED it. It has such a mild taste and no odor whatsoever when raw. I noticed someone else said they couldn't stand the smell and didn't like the taste, I suggest buying it at another store maybe.
How about some shrimp for another meat alternative. I buy the cocktail shrimp already cooked and frozen and just thaw it in some cool water and I have a low carb cocktail sauce. mmmmmmmmmm!:D
Maybe you can try some new recipes with chicken so you have some variety? Spicy fajitas? Add a spice packet (or Lipton soup mix) to your breadcrumbs? Different marinade? I like to marinade my chicken, cook it and then make chicken salad with it. Gives it a different flavor. Here's another idea...I buy these little sauce packets and sometimes cook up chicken w/veggies. They are mostly "chinese-style" suaces like hot & sour, beef and broccoli, Kung Poa, Chow Mein, etc. They are not too bad any of the food counts, except salt. Usually you mix them with either soy sauce (I use less salt), water or sugar and they are very simple to make. Also, have you tried ground turkey "breast"? It is the leaner cut of the turkey and for me, it is much more appealing than regular ground turkey.

Hope this helps!
:) Christine
i hate chicken and tuna !!!! of course, i force myself to eat them, but i will never like it! i love red meat and i could eat it every day!!!! but i don't . chicken.....they don't call it "foul" for nothin!!!


p.s fried chicken is pretty good WITH A BISCUIT!!!
ugh! gag me!x( Wendymin, is that a "prego craving" or your usual taste?:p seriously, have you had any weird cravings yet?

LOL Jes, I really do like tuna melts even when not prego!

Let's see...weird cravings....well I had cream cheese on white bread toast with a piece of roasted pepper on top...I had roasted peppers on ritz crackers....are those weird enuff? lol Other than that I went on a PB and J binge for about a month and also a general sweets binge. :)

BTW-here's 2 wierd things about my taste in food that have nothing to do with pregnancy...#1- I eat anchovies!! LOVE EM! #2- I HATE eggs! Can't stand them!!! I will cook with them but to just eat them scrambled or something-GAG! It is rare that I come across another person who doesn't like them....

Have a great work out!

well i love cream cheese, any peppers and anchovies, so i would say no not weird at all. i do like eggs though! mostly raw in cookie dough like Marion said a while back!!!!

You've just found another person that doesn't like eggs! I've never been able to really stomach them. The only time I can is when I make breakfast casserole.
I have just recently (past 2 weeks) developed a strong aversion to chicken, can't event stand the smell of it. No, I am not pregnant.

For some reason, something has clicked in me and I can't stand the thought of eating chicken. I have quit cooking meat at home so I rarely have chicken, I ordered it out last week and almost gagged when they delivered it. I took the chicken off the sandwich and ate the bread.

Seems weird to me.
I have an aversion to most meats. I can tolerate chicken though. I marinate in soy sauce or smother it with Mrs. Dash Extra Hot Spices. After cooking it, I'll dip it in Hot Sauce.
Susan C.M.
Parmesan Chicken is nice sometimes if you just get tired of plain baked/fried chicken. I just make up a flour mixture with season-all, garlic and accent. Dip the chicken in it and let it back until it's done. Add Hunts basil and oregano tomatoe sauce over chicken and then top with provolone cheese until it browns...YUM! My DD favorite meal~
The meal I've been able to make and eat lately has been a low-fat version of chicken corden bleu, but I know I can't eat it all the time. I've been trying to experiment with different marianades and sauces as well. I'm sure eventually I will go back to loving it. Maybe I just need a break.

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