Any workouts that alternate Legs and Abs???


New Member
I really like to alternate these two bodyparts when working out and havent been able to find and exercise dvds that do this. Any suggestions????

Cathe's coming out with a dvd very soon (as soon as her injury heals) called "Butts and Gutts". It might be what you're looking for. Check out the desciption of the workouts from the link on the home page, or in the Ask Cathe forum. If you preorder the workout, you get a discount.

Karen Voight's Total Body Training is a 50 minute workout that moves back and forth between core work and floor legs. It is all done on the floor. You need a Pilates ring to get the max benefit but can sub a stability or med ball.
I would recommend the FIRM Parts Sculpted Buns, Hips, and Thighs video with Tracie Long. This has always been one of my favorites that I still include from time to time even though I am almost exclusively a Cathe exerciser now. Even though "Abs" are not mentioned in the title, they are definitely worked throughout the video. As a matter of fact, she begins with abs as a warm up. All of the leg work is on the floor which I also love for those days when I just can't see myself lunging and squatting for an hour!
Also Bootcamp can be used with the chapter skipping feature to alternate the legs and core from each cycle.
>Was that once titled "lie down and work out?"
>Just curious.

Jen, I just noticed this post again so sorry for the delayed response. For some reason that sounds familiar so you may be right. I know the FIRM has changed the name of some of their workouts before or at least reorganized them in some way. This was one of their FIRM Parts tapes and edited from the Tortoise and Hare workouts. Maybe someone else knows for sure? Hope this helps!

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