Any Vet Techs out there?


Hi guys!

I’ve been a legal asst. for 12 years and frankly am OVER it, just burned out to the max. I have been thinking about a career change and was wondering if anyone is a vet tech and could tell me a little something about the job. I’ve already done some research on the education requirements and it appears it will take 2 years to get a degree. At 37 this is a bit scary but my absolute love of animals and their well-being leads me to believe this might be a good career move for me. If anyone is currently working for a vet and could give me some pointers I would sure appreciate it.

TIA! :)

Hi Lorrie!

I am not a Vet tech, but I am married to a Veterinarian, so I've seen the business side of it for years! (Almost 20 yrs actually) I can tell you what little I know about the job of a Vet tech from what I saw when my husband did small animal work. He is a large animal Vet now, and doesn't use techs, but when he was first out of school he worked in a mixed practice that included techs for the small animals.

I have no idea what the educational requirements are, but the techs I saw didn't have a very glamorous job. They cleaned kennels, walked dogs, shampooed and dryed them, etc. They also held the dogs/cats when the Vet examined them, and sometimes assisted in surgery. I'm sure every practice is different, and it depends on how busy the Vets themselves are, but I think if I were you I would visit a local animal hospital to observe and ask questions. This would give you a good idea of what the job entails.

Side note from DH: Salaries are primarily low, although the salary will be better if you are employed by a University or large institution of some sort. (Around here that would be the University of Georgia Veterinary School) Basically, in most small animal practices you will be "kennel help".

Good luck with whatever you decide, and let me know if you have any questions. I can quiz my DH for more particulars if you'd like! :D
This has NOTHING to do with becoming a vet tech, but everything to do with going back to school. I got a BA when I was 45, from the ground up, and finished in under 4 years.

You most certainly CAN teach an old dog new tricks, even when the dog gets to be 52, which is 364 in dog YEARS. Learning keeps your brain sharp, all you Jeopardy fans.
I am a vet tech. I have been one for 2 and a half years. Most clinics where I live do not make go to school. I do ALOT more then what was listed above. I do a lot of bloodwork, teat dos and cats, put in caths., take x-rays, and just who ever the doctor wants me to do. You can email me if you want to talk so more. [email protected] Have A Blessed Day!!!
Thanks for the info Jeanne and Farm Girl and for the encouragement HB (you are definitely an inspiration - especially with your new personal trainer career)! I just love how this forum is such a wealth of information. I will email you Farm Girl and will post more Qs for your hubby Jeanne when I think of them.

Thanks again! :)


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