Any runners out there?


I need advice from all you runners out there. I have never been a runner and in fact I HATE running, but I have heard from several different people that running is a great way to slim down your legs. So my question is, what is the best way to get started running without killing myself? I did try to start running regularly about 2 years ago and it lasted about 2 weeks. I got to the point where I could run about 15 minutes without stopping, but I still wasn't at a point where I enjoyed it. Would it even be worth it to try if I seem to dislike it so much?


Hi Katie....:)...either you like running or you don't I think! I have run for about 28 years so I think I like it! The best way to start is by walking some and running some for a couple of miles. You will use different muscles when you run than any other sport. Also, check out for some beginning programs. It is a great site for tips...:)...Carole
Hey Carole (and runners)

Do you gals actually "run" or "jog" because I know theres a difference.

I could proberly jog a fair distance, but run!.........hmmmmmmmm

I suppose jogging is slower? But when you are just starting shouldn't care about the speed. What you want to do is get your body used to the new challenge. It takes patience because you basically have to start out slow. A mile is still a mile. I'm still amazed that after a year I'm still at it. I keep a log on and you can track your progress. I'd get a good training book so you can read and get more information and see how to break yourself in. Check out Runner's World and Cool Running. Plus, it does amazing things to legs.
> I suppose jogging is slower? But when you are just starting
> shouldn't care about the speed. What you want to do
>is get your body used to the new challenge. It takes patience
>because you basically have to start out slow. A mile is still
>a mile. I'm still amazed that after a year I'm still at it. I
>keep a log on and you can track your
>progress. I'd get a good training book so you can read and get
>more information and see how to break yourself in. Check out
>Runner's World and Cool Running. Plus, it does amazing things
>to legs.

I was going to suggest the coolrunning site!! Awesome site!
Marion, I think most of us runners have a different view on running or jogging. It seems you really don't hear jogging used much anymore. I would think of it as slower than running. For me a 7:00 min pace would for sure be RUNNING, but I prefer distance and even though I can do marathons I don't do them at a fast pace at all...I mean 26.2 miles fast!! That is for Elite runners...:)...I do always say though...I am going out for a run...not a jog!!....Carole
I read somewhere that made me think of it differently : Is the person going at 12 minutes/mile that's training for long distance running any less a runner than the 6-7 minute/mile 5Ker? I don't know...some people start off with just natural speed I suppose. But it all depends what you like and what you're built for. I have read though that the main thing is to just go out there and get the miles done. Get an aerobic base, recover, prevent injuries as much as you can and train consistently when you first start out. I know I enjoyed the 10 k and hated the 5K this year. I'm intrigued by the Mary but a Half Mary would be more of a reasonable goal eventually. But am happy just learning how to build my base for now. I enjoy it better than any aerobic activity I've ever tried .
About 8 years ago I had a friend who came to me for help in getting fit and she wanted to run. I had never been a runner but wanted to help her so I took it up with her and I ended up becoming a runner and she quit!!!

Anyway, we started with the beginner program from (only they had a book out) and if you go at it slow and controled with the walk/run, it'll make all the difference in the world.

I don't run all the time now as I had a knee injury (not from running) but I do run once a week for cross training. I will agree that when I was running for all my cardio, it is the slimmest my legs have ever been. I often found that when I would start a run, the first 15 minutes was my toughest in that I just didn't want to do it and then once I got past 15 minutes I would seem to just go with the flow and then often I didn't want to stop! But sometimes I feel that way when I step! :) Anyway, give it a try, visit those two sites mentioned by the other posters and you'll find some great information! :) :)

Yep, runner's world worked for me. They have a beginner's program that gets you running for 30 minutes in 10 weeks I believe. It starts really slow so if you've been exercising at all you could probably start in at a few weeks ahead. It starts with a warm-up then jog 2 minutes/walk 8 minutes repeat 3x's. Each week your jogging time increases and your walking decreases until at week eight you're jogging 15 walking 2.
Hope you can find it.
It made a jogger out of me. An article on that page then talked about speed work where you jog 9 minutes, walk 1, RUN 9, walk 1, jog 9 walk 1...and that made a runner out of me!
Hi Katie,

I just became a "runner" this past year & ran my first 5k in October. I also highly recommend the site. Their "Couch to 5K" program really works! Also I have read a couple books by Jeff Galloway, all on Amazon. He is a great advocate of the walking break during running, even for seasoned runners. Not all runners agree w/this philosophy, but for me it has removed a great mental barrier & allows me to enjoy my workout w/the added pressure of having to run the entire distance.

I am training for a half marathon in November and ran my first cold weather run yesterday, 25 degrees & I loved it! Good luck, hope you enjoy it!

I LOVE to run. The rhythm just does something for me that is so soothing. There is a great book out there called the Lifetime Running Plan. I would recommend it along with all the other good websites everyone has suggested.

I get my tunes going on my ipod mini and cruise along. Near the end of my run I hear Van Halen's Jump or Panama and it just gives me chills and I feel like I can run for forever!

Its good to try something new. You never know,it may be a great experience. Then again, if you don't like it, don't sweat it. Doesn't mean you can't get the results that you want by doing something else.

I wanted to add that for me a part of learning to run - and it's paid dividends throughout my life - was learning to NOT listen to my body. I know we are encouraged to listen to our body but mine is a liar. Like clockwork from minutes 3 - 8 my body tells me it can't do this and I should just go home. After 8 minutes it shuts up and can go for a long time. I've never had this problem while doing an ex vid because someone else is there leading me on. When you're jogging you have to provide your own motivation when the road seems too long. The life lesson has been when I hear my body say "I'm too tired to...(dust, do dishes, walk the dog, eat healthy, tackle the tough issue with the ds or dd)" I've learned to not listen. It would sound fanatical to say running has changed my life has...But my body is still a liar. (Right now it's telling me I should eat poppycock for breakfast - LIAR!)

Ha Trish! Thanks for the laugh!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks so much everyone for all your wonderful advice. I have been looking at the websites you all suggested and have found some really good information! I hope that this is something I can learn to enjoy and let the slim legs just be a bonus!

Hi Katie,

I fell in love with running by accident. About 7 years ago I needed to lose about 60 lbs. and I began the fitness part of my journey by simply walking a 3mi.route. At the time Dr. Laura was on the radio and I would tune into her program...when she stopped talking, I stopped walking. Well, it wasn't long before I began to jog short and then longer portions of the 3mi. route. When I could jog ( about a 10-12 min mile at first) the entire 3 mi. route without stopping I lengthened the distance a bit at a time. I began this walk/jog program it was August. By December I was covering 6-7 mi. at a time!
It was then I decided to train for the local marathon and ran it in April of the next year 65lbs. lighter. Mind you, I was at the time using Cathe's MIS weight workout. I continue to run for most of my cardio in conjunction with Cathe weight work. I will probably never run a full marathon again because I find that I become too thin and compromise any muscle gain that I work so hard for working with Cathe. I say, take it slow, listen to music or books, or radio or whatever...just take it at your own speed. I'll tell you nothing leans me out better that running, a bit of kickbox, one circuit high intensity Cathe workout, and Weights with Cathe. Give it another try I think it's a great addition to any fitness program. dmd:)
I used to hate running, but 2 years ago, I jumped on a treadmill to do some cardio and ran 4 miles without hating it. I kept it up and took my runs outside, and I am addicted}(

It is important (for me) to be comfortable during my run. The wrong shoes, clothes, music etc makes for a longer run, no matter what distance I plan on going. It's about this time of day (4:30 p.m.) that I begin to get very antsy. After work is my favorite time of day to's MY time and I can let work stress go!
Because I broke both legs as a drunken teenager, I have one twisted knee and one that broke in the joint, so high impact is not something I can do every day. Running really hurts my knees, but I like to crosstrain with it anyway. Once the weather gets below 70 here (I can only make myself do it in the afternoon or evening) I run hilly courses about once a week, 4-6 miles. The next day my knees are very sore and I can only do bike or upper body stuff.

Still, I like being outside, conquering the hills, practicing something different. So, I wouldn't call myself "a runner", but I do run 9 months of the year here in NC. Cold does not bother me, but heat does. If my legs were OK with it, I might do it more often, and I certainly would have gone for longer distances, maybe even a marathon. Because I love what it does for my legs and my cardiovascular capacity. Plus I love being outside being active.

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