any PTs here?


Hi guys... I'm working on two more articles for Pregnancy Magazine, and I'm thinking that maybe I can call on some of you for help again.

The first is on postpartum back pain... I need two different views... first, I'd love to hear from PTs who may have worked with moms who have suffered from back pain after the birth of their babies... and second, if any of you have had experience with postpartum backpain (from lifting, etc.) I'd like to hear from you, too...

The second article is on recovery after an emergency c-section... if you had an emergency c-section, I'd love to hear your birth story and your experiences of emotional/physical recovery... Having had one myself, I think that an emergency cesarean is a bit different, in that it has usually not crossed your mind that you'd have anything different than a vaginal birth... and I think that sometimes women , esp. those who have put a lot of energy into preparing for the birth (Lamaze, Bradley, hypnobirthing, etc.) are very disappointed afterwards...

If you want to contribute, email me at [email protected]

p.s. -- Except for the one due out in the October issue, I don't know the specifics, but I suspect that my articles will be included before the end of the year... so some of you who helped me out on the body image and parenting board articles will find your names/quotes in upcoming Pregnancy Magazine issues :)
Hi Susan, I had a baby boy 5 months ago. I had lower back pain throughout the pregnancy - I attributed it to the loosening of the pelvic bones. However, I am still having the same low back pain. I have been reading up on it and stretching/exercising with that in mind. I am even sleeping with a pillow beneath my legs, as it is suggested in a video I watched.

If in your "journeys" :) you get to find out ways in which this back pain can be "managed" and enable us to get rid of it....please do share! :-jumpy

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon

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