Any other Cathe-ites NOT weight train?


gosh, i feel like i'm being sorta sacraligious saying this on cathe's site.. (eek!) and i'm a die-hard 'cathe-ite' (gotta get out all my disclaimers..LOL ;) ).... but for the life of me..i just can't do weights. whenever i weight train i just don't care for how my body looks. it just gets so darn big and bulky! no matter how much cardio i do, or how clean i eat..i just get broader and bigger. i know it's good for me as i age (41) but..i can't seem to do weights without undesireable effects for me. so i've been doing alot of yoga and pilates.

i was just wondering if there were any other cathe-ites with similar situations? i'm dying to pre-order cathe's new vids...(and i know i'll prob end up getting all 4 PLUS some others w/ the free shipping deal.. :p ) but...with the circuit training and weights in the upcoming vids, part of me thinks it's a waste..but then...another part of me thinks, "hmm...maybe this time, i won't bulk up"... let's face it...i just want ALL cathe's tapes. heehee.. :p

either way...just wondering if anybody else can relate to my situation.

thanks so much!
Funny... I am the complete opposite! I am 52 and the only Cathe DVD's I buy are the weight training ones.. I don;t like the step ones ( too complicated for me!), and when I do a lot of step, I find my thighs start to get bulky! I was disappointed in all the step and circuit in the new DVD's, so I will be waiting for the winter one she announced and not ordering the 4 from the pre-sale.
Building muscle must be in your genes.
I lift pretty heavy and i don't get big.
Ever try doing the weights and not overloading them.
Just for muscle tone and definition.
I try really hard to build and have a hard time at it.
Good luck,
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I tend to bulk thanks to my genes...I put muscle on very easily. Have you tried using lighter weights, more reps and more often? Something more "freestyle" type of training?

My only concern is if you are not doing ANY strength training. You need muscle to keep your metabolism up, to keep from injury as we age, to stengthen our bones...I am SURE you know all the perks ;-) .
Sorry, yet another Catheite who doesn't not weight train here :)+ .

I agree that weight training is very important (though, depending on what type of yoga you do, you can get some of the same benefits from it). In fact, I believe all women over the age of 25, and all men over the age of 35, should weight train.

A workout like Power Hour would be difficult to bulk with (if you see that as a problem, then just use lighter weights). Another option is to do circuit workouts that combine weights and cardio. (I am a "hardgainer" who has trouble putting on muscle, so these are the opposite of what I try to emphasize!).

Another factor in gaining size is diet. Muscle won't grow unless you stress it, give it a rest, and feed it. If you reduce any of those elements, you will have less growth.
I've really toned down my weights lately. I do less than I used to and focus more on cardio. I have a bad neck so I need to take it easy, but I haven't found that I've lost any muscle. My arms are fairly slim and I want to keep them that way. I am not allowed overhead presses or push-ups, so I have toned things down a bit, and I'm not missing it. I also do less with legs lately. I feel all the plyo stuff gives me a good leg workout and I really like floor work and Tae Bo for my legs. I'm getting seriously bored with lunges, etc... Weight work doesn't provide me the fun that cardio does!!
thanks for the responses, everyone. :)

well....i "have" tried the lighter weights, more reps angle (nope, the 'bulk/broadening lives on'!) ...and due to an ongoing health issue, i'm on a pretty restricted diet (no sugar, very low carbs, mostly lean protein and vegs etc...) so i am unintentionally feeding my muscles even more! ack! :O how ironic, i build muscle so easily and don't want it...while most people are trying hard to gain muscle mass...oh well...the 'grass is greener syndrome' strikes again! LOL

okay, well...either way...what i thought might happened...happened. i'm now going to order ALL 4 of the upcoming workouts. (you all inadavertantly enabled me! yay! LOL :D ) i figure, maybe "this time, or w/ these new workouts" i won't have as much muscle bulk, and will just get nice and toned and defined w/ the added plus of long term health benefits. (sound good?!!)'s hopeless, i just can't resist cathe's pre-orders. :p

fortunately, with cathe's KNOW you'll always get a good thorough and safe workout. yep, she IS THE BEST! :D

thanks "ec"!
Good for you, just do what your own body needs. There is more variety out there than many of us realize. I mean, variety in what exercise habit is best for each individual.
I would just like to comment on working out and issues relating to age.

I have read that we start losing muscle beginning age 35. Fat then replaces the muscle. This condition perpetuates with age. The only way to reverse this is through weight bearing exercise. Weight bearing exercise also helps with osteoporosis.

You may be able to stay relatively toned without using weights in your early forties but I can tell you from experience it may eventually catch up with you.
thanks,'s really making me think more about reintroducing weights, despite the bulking issue..just for long term health benefits.

thanks so much! :D
I do very little weights, just biceps and some triceps with a 15 lb barbell 2 times a week is about it.

I'm a Yoga junkie and get all my other strength training needs met there for sure. Actually triceps get a lotta work in Yoga but biceps don't so that's why I do biceps even if I skip the triceps.

I used to be really concerned about my lack of weight training after years of doing it regular. I got over that. I'm like you I just can't seem to do it without getting thicker somehow, mostly in my upper body.

I do lots of Cathe Cardio and I buy the whole set when new stuff comes out cause my daughter does weights.


hi edith :)

i, a 'yoga junkie'. you have a good point about the biceps not getting worked in yoga...i may try some bicep curls, to try and keep things balanced. thanks!

i buy all cathe's new stuff when it comes out...just because i "don't wanna miss out on anything cathe"! :eek: (gee, would that fall under obsessive compulsive category? LOL!!!! :D )

thanks so much for your response!

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