Any othe "AMAZONS" out there?


In the recent thread about petite women and their weight, someone referred to us taller women as "amazons". I am 5'11", so probably in the amazon catagory!:p I grew tall very fast, and by 5th grade, at 5'9", was taller than all the boys. I am very comfortable and very happy with my height. Wouldn't want to be shorter!! Finally found a guy tall enough to marry!!:p He's 6'4".

Wondering how many other tall women are out there......let all Amazons speak up!!!!:D ;)
RE: Any othe

>I am six feet tall and love my height. No offense, but I
>HATE the reference "Amazon."

I certainly wasn't trying to offend with the reference to Amazons. I thought it was amusing that we were referred to as amazons on the "petite women weight" discussion. I just think it's funny. I have been referred to as an amazon several times in my life and just laugh it off!!:)
RE: Any othe

NO NO No...please..I wasn't looking for an apology at all...please don't feel the need to explain or apologize! I didn't mean it that way at all. Especially where tall women were going to respond here, I was just comiserating, I guess. It bugs me. I find it offensive. I can't explain why but this annoys me much more than "do you play basketball?" :)
RE: Any othe

I am 5'9" and have never liked the term Amazon either. But I do like being tall, although growing up I sure didn't. Another one I used to hear was "statuesque". Made me feel like a giant.
RE: Any othe

Or how many times were you told, "Stand up straight, don't slouch"!! My mom even had my teachers checking my posture!!! I guess she thought that if I was self-conscious about my height, I would do anything to look shorter!!
RE: Any othe

I'm 5'10 1/2". I got a lot of "Jolly Green Giant" and "how's the weather up there" jokes during my early years.

During all my years of junior high, I was the tallest person at my school--boys, girls, teachers, even the principal. Thank goodness for high school. (My son's the same way. He was even taller than his first grade teacher.)

I hated it then but love it now. And I, too, finally found someone tall enough to marry -- 6'4" also.

RE: Any othe

I'm 5' 8" and a bit, and wish I was taller!!!!

Still, that's what 3" heels are for, right??!?!??!

I love being tall, never wanted to be "petite and feminine" and have men want to take care of me. pah!

RE: Any othe

Another amazon here...5'11!:) I love being tall. Makes things easier to reach. On the other hand, tall clothes aren't as easy to find.:p
RE: Any othe

Another amazon here.... 6'1". I don't mind being called amazon too much. As matter of fact, guys think amazons are sexy! ;-) I hate the comments like "Do you play basketball?" I like being tall because it's fun "looking down" at people. hee hee Hubby is the same height as me. Although I like shorter guys. :)

RE: Any othe

You're from Czech? I'm half Czech. My dad's side of the family are from there. Unfortunately they don't speak the language but I'd LOVE to learn. My maiden name is unusual and a lot of people can't pronounce it and it's so EASY to pronounce. It's funny. :)

RE: Any othe

Ditto on the basketball thing. I am 5'11 and I do not mind being tall and strong (thanks to Cathe)! Finding clothes can be a problem.
RE: Any othe

Here's a good site where I FINALLY found long pants-- but their pants are 36" long. They're pretty long on me but I love it. I feel "normal" now, not a freak. LOL

I know the Gap carry longer lengths but shirts are more of a problem for me because I have long arms and somewhat of a broad shoulders. If you know of any good companies that carry tall sizes in shirts, I'll be very happy. I do shop at Eddie Bauer but their clothes are kind of not my taste.

RE: Any othe

Isn't it refreshing how original people are? I too, have heard the Jolly Green Giant reference, the Amazon reference and of course, the assumption that I MUST be a basketball player...Snore. I'm 6' tall, and have been since 6th grade. I'd like to hear something fresh & new to describe me, wouldn't you all?

My daughter, Allison, is also tall. 12yrs old, 5'9". She gets called "Big Al". It cracks us up, because she's really slim & girlie looking :7

Overall, I really prefer being tall. The only part I don't enjoy is finding well fitting pants and attractive shoes. And the fact that if I gain 5-10lbs I don't notice it quickly enough to nip it in the bud.

RE: Any othe

I am 5'11" and love it as well. My mom is 6'1" and my grandma is 6' - it is tough enough to find clothes now-a-days even with several companies offering talls - but I could imagine how it was for my mom and grandma.

I do get the basketball question all the time - but I did play though college - so other than the wear and tear to my poor knees - it is all good...

I had a co-worker who was 5' and called me Annazon (Anne and Amazon)and thought it was funny - I take it more as a compliment.

I am in the process of working on a fitness line for talls - I will let you know when it will be available. How nice would it be to be able to put your workout pants in the dryer and not worry about them becoming highwaters.... hehe....
RE: Any othe

Another interesting thing:

How many of you other Amazons have felt okay to comment to a stranger about their physical self? I don't recall ever blurting the first thing that comes to mind when I see an itty bitty little person, an overweight person, someone with 2 inches of color outgrowth at their roots, etc. I'm always astounded at how strangers feel it's their right to give me their opinion on how I appear to them! Thank goodness I'm not overly sensitive...just brought it up since we're kind of on the subject. ;)
RE: Any othe

>Another interesting thing:
>How many of you other Amazons have felt okay to comment to a
>stranger about their physical self? I don't recall ever
>blurting the first thing that comes to mind when I see an itty
>bitty little person, an overweight person, someone with 2
>inches of color outgrowth at their roots, etc. I'm always
>astounded at how strangers feel it's their right to give me
>their opinion on how I appear to them! Thank goodness I'm not
>overly sensitive...just brought it up since we're kind of on
>the subject. ;)

ABSOLUTELY@ I can't tell you how many people actually Greet me with "wow, you are tall" (rather than "hello," I mean)or something stupid like that, mostly in business settings! I feel like responding with "wow, you are ignorant" or "wow, you are a midget." I will just never undersatnd why people think that it is okay to comment on height Then again, i guess that they don't see it AS insulting b/c several of these people that makes these odd comments tell me that they are jealous and that they wish they were just as tall!
RE: Any othe

I think you're right...I'm sure they don't mean to be rude, and many do seem to wish they were taller. The whole thing just kinda' cracks me up :7 The wicked little part in me laughs her fanny off when the outer me just looks blankly at people until they squirm. Of course, this is only the special treatment I give to complete strangers. I feel no need to challenge friends and aquaintances. Heehee.

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