any one teach and can give advice?

HI there,

I was asked to teach at my local club today. I live in a small town and they are very short on teachers. I've been doing step aerobics for sometime now. So I know the basics and stuff. I'm just not sure if I can teach, i've been told I could. Where should I start? She said I didn't have to be certified to teach, she said she'd help me get certified. As long as I have a routine. OK, so how do I come up with a routine? Music?
Thanks for your help, anyone. Please email me at
[email protected]


You can try going to for patterns.
Also, has good articles for those getting started.

You want to build patterns in sections of 32 counts. Or 4 segments at 8 counts each. Make sure you are on the down-beat, and remember to cue before the move (the 4 counts before are the "cue window"). There are articles on all of these items at

Perhaps you could view some videos, take some classes, and build patterns based on what you see there. Soon enough you will have your own repetoire of moves.

I get my cds at, although they sometimes seem to skip a beat (which will throw you off the 32 count).
You can find other music websites through

Good luck!
I second CariCampbell's suggestion about Turnstep website.

Also, check out the websites for Collage Video ( and Fitness Wholesale ( for instructional videos by instructors like Kari Anderson and Gin Miller. The Perform Better company ( I think) might also have videos oriented toward instructors.

My favorite music company for group fitness is Power Music (

Re certification: I would suggest, regardless of what "she" said, that you get certified through a recognized certifying body like ACE or AFAA. Small town or not, if you're instructing and you're uncertified and there's an injury, you could be in a bit of trouble.

Just my $.02 - but go for it!

I agree with Aquajock about the certification. Not only for liability purposes, but also to train you how to teach safe, effective aerobics. The knowledge will come in handy, guaranteed!


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