Any of you suffer PCOS?



I was diagnosed with this 2 years ago and was treated with surgery and Metformin. Have any of you managed to lose the weight you gained? I also have the Insulin resistance, and gained 70lbs which will not come off no matter what, I am interested in hearing what worked for you all. Thanks

Yes, I have PCOS, and yes, I have managed to lose most of my weight--127 pounds so far. It's possible, but it takes longer, and you have to work harder. I used a bicycle, Weight Watchers, and Cathe to lose the first 99 pounds. Then I got stuck for two years and finally broke through the plateau with a program called I am also hypothyroid, and was on meds for diabetes, but I control that with only diet and exercise now, as well. You can do it, too. Don't let it beat you!


P.S. Feel free to e-mail if there's anything I can do to help.

I am not familiar with PCOS but wanted to say a BIG helloooo to you over there! I have thought of you often and wondered how you are. What is PCOS? I am sorry to hear of the battle you are fighting with your weight. How frustrating it must be. Great to "see" you here!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Lynne!!!

Hey Deb!

I am still here in Saudi, not doing too bad. PCOS stands for Polycycstic Ovarian syndrome, the feedback system between the hormones don't work, so multiple cysts form on the Ovaries. This means that for me I had large amounts of Testosterone which led to facial hair etc, I am also unlucky in that I also have the Insulin resistance, which at fasting levels is way too high, Metformin was supposed to stop the weight gain, which in a year led to 35lbs! Still I battle on!.....How are you and how is Kennedy?

Good to hear from you friend

RE: Lynne!!!

HI! Great to hear from you sooo quick! Wow, what awful symptoms. I'd be in trouble as I battle the face hair thing enough as is!!! :p

As far as me, I am doing okay. I have injured myself and am nursing it right now. I hurt my knee/behind knee and down calf about a week or so ago and have not been able to do ANY cardio or lower body work since Thursday. Trying to heal by next Monday when my winter session starts up. Luckily, I have this week off. Usually, I get thru all the wee aches & pains with time.

Kennedy is GREAT! She turned 2 last June. Still the happiest child. Not sure you know but Julie is pregnant with our second grandchild! She is very sick and not able to function well at this time. The nurse/Doctors are working with her trying to get her back to being hydrated and eating again. She is on IV's (A cancer med for nausea) at home which is not a good thing with another lil' child in the home that has tons of energy! We are trying to help as much as possible but it is hard with them living a bit over an hour away. Thank you for asking.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are going thru a lot right now. Keep me/us posted. Hoping someone here can pop in that has found some solutions that helped. Thinking of YOU!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Lynne,

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 15 years ago. I have a very tough time losing weight and have to practically starve myself to stay thin (I don't do that - it feels too lousy!).

What kind of surgery did you have - a wedge resection? I haven't had any treatment for PCOS except for hormones for amenhorrhea (sp?) and fertility drugs when I wanted to get pregnant. A couple of years ago, I conceived on my own - what a surprise that was!!

Debbie - congratulations on Julie's pregnancy! I've been lurking and haven't had time to post. I'm so sorry that she's been so sick - that must be just miserable for her. And hard for you too. Hope she feels better soon.

Hi Erica

I had surgery called "Ovarian Drilling" this has taken over from the wedge resections that were done 7+ years ago. All the cysts are drilled and drained, I had 200 on the right and 350 on the left, was in theatre for about 2 1/2 hours. I just need to lose this extra weight!

Deb - hyperemisis is an awful thing. I worked in gyneacology 8 years ago and used to nurse these cases, it almost always settled by the 18th week, we didn't have the cancer meds that are used these days though, so hopefully Julie will get better soon, and have another baby and another grandchile for you!!!! Hope your injury heals soon, rest and ice and being aware of your capabilities are really important, but you know that........!

Signed up for WW online so watch this space!

This was so strange that I saw this post today. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow for some hormone tests to see if I have PCOS. My sister is a nurse and recommended me to go get tests done, since my menses are not regular, etc.

I don't know anything about it - the side effects or symptoms. Is there a web site that anyone knows of to find out more info on this?
I am a pcos suffer as well. I just started Glucophage. I am at the stage you are, I am trying to figure out how to get this weight off (90lbs) that I gained due to this diease.

Anyway a good site for information and forums etc.

There is a ton of information.

Hi Lynne.

I have PCOS too. I was just diagnosed last year. Here’s my story and what worked for me:

I have been overweight my whole life—and could never lose weight no matter what I tried—and I never had regular periods. I went to doctor after doctor trying to figure out just what was wrong with me, but no one ever gave me any real solutions, although they did try to give me Fen-Phen. When I was 16 and missing my periods doctors would tell me that my period could be irregular until I was 18. When I was 18 and missing my periods they said I could be irregular until I was 21. When I was 21 and missing my periods they said I could be irregular until I was 25. When I was 25 and still missing my periods, I just stopped going to doctors. No one ever seemed to understand why an obese girl would have amenorrhea since it is a problem that very athletic women experience when their body fat levels fall too low.

I just gave up worrying about my period. I was healthy otherwise and I just figured I was infertile. But my weight really bothered me. I earnestly tried to lose weight many, many times. I tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Richard Simmons, and Lindora, to name a few. I always believed that going low calorie, low fat was the key, so I never wanted to try the Zone or Atkins. But then my mom’s cousin who was over 300 lbs lost about 50 lbs in 6 months on Atkins (she’s 60 and I think she had/has PCOS but was never diagnosed). She sent me an Atkins kit and in May of 2002 I started the diet. I weighed 270 at the time. By August I was down to about 225-230 without even really trying. I wanted to figure out why Atkins worked for me when other diets hadn’t, so I did a lot of reading about Insulin Resistance, Syndrome X, etc. In my research I found out about PCOS and I knew that’s what I had. I called an endocrinologist, made an appointment, had the tests, and, sure enough, was diagnosed. This was last November.

My doctor didn’t want to put me on Metformin, but she did put me on birth control to regulate my periods and to “give my ovaries a rest.” The pill really affected my emotions and a few months ago I stopped taking it. I figured the pill was just a band-aid anyway, since it doesn’t cure PCOS, it just masks/alleviates the symptoms. To my surprise, my period is totally regular now, even without the pill. I can actually predict the day it will come now. I know that’s not a big deal for most women, but I have always been “surprised” by my period.

I know that Atkins and exercise is responsible for the changes in my body. I’ve lost 95lbs and my other PCOS symptoms have disappeared or diminished. My body doesn’t just look better, it works better. I talked to my doctor when I decided to go off the pill and she said that it was possible to control PCOS through diet and exercise…apparently I have been able to just that. I have a doctor’s appointment in January so I will see what my test results show then.

I hope this helps...sorry I tend to go on and on...

Hi Frankie

WOW....your me, aren't you??? The only difference was I did try Atkins and I was so ill I could hardly move from the setee! And I lost no weight and did not even get into the Ketosis. my hubby who did this with me felt tired and did get into ketosis and lost weight, needless to say, for sanity, I gave up!

The metformin (glucophage) stops you from gaining, but doesn't do anything to help with weight already gained *sigh*


I had never heard of the syndrome before reading this thread. I am awed by you ladies for handling it with such grace through diet and exercise. Thank you, as always, dear Catheites, for helping me adjust my perspective. I get so caught up with me and what I perceive to be my problems, which make me struggle with things that used to come easily. Then I find you who have obviously been through so much but who are handling it so well! Hat's off to you and thank you for sharing!
Right on Bobbi!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Erica!

Honestly, I've thought many times that I needed to E-mail you to fill you in. It's been nuts around here lately. Thank you for your thoughts! Seems only "yesterday" you were pregnant. Great to see you here.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey Lynne!

Wow, unbelievable what you have been through. I am sooo sorry. Like Bobbi said, it just AMAZES me when I see what others are going thru. I wish you all the luck in finding a solution to losing your weight.

Yes, hyperemisis is such a terrible thing. My Mom & I also had it. My twin sis, NOT a day! Just had to have her 15-30 minute nap each day! Unfortunately, Julie, Mom & I had it the whole 9 months, morning, noon & night. I am praying that Julie's will ease up this time SOON!

WW is a great program. It is the only program that my students have done and stayed successful with. Good Luck to you and I WILL be looking for you here!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
WOW Bobbi......

Your kind words brought a tear to my eyes. I have a feeling that this will be a life struggle, but as my DH says, this life is not a dress rehearsal, you don't get a second chance, so why worry about the things that will never be.....I tell you, when I am struggling to cope, this helps!


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