Any News on Roku Channel?


I've got my Roku box for the tv in my workout room ordered. Any news on when this will be up and running?
Perhaps next week, but we will have to see how things go over the next several days. We had some issues getting Roku to work. What should have been a simple task taking only a few hours turned into two weeks of work for us. The problem was eventually traced to the configuration of our service with our streaming service provider and has now been fixed and we have everything now working on our test site. Currently were working on the interface with Roku. To start with we're not going to spend a lot of time on the interface and plan on starting with just the basic default interface. Chaptering will also not available when we launch and I doubt it is even possible to do on Roku - but we will see. Our plan for now is to get Roku up and running and then double back when we have more time to improve the interface as best we can.
Thanks so much for the update. I've been waiting for the Roku launch. :) I currently subscribe to a couple of other workout Roku channels and they do have some chaptering or "skip" options available. Just letting you know it's possible. :)

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