Any ladies out there have any spotting during preganancy?


Hey there ladies! I'm about 8 weeks pregnant, and I spotted a little yesterday. Of course, non of us want to see any blood on our underwear--especially when we're pregnant. I remember I spotted once during my first pregnancy (10 years ago). I was just wondering if anyone else there has had this experience?
I'm planning on jogging a 10K this Saturday, but I might not be able to. I haven't been working out that hard, maybe 3-4 days weekly. I've been running only once weekly, about 4-6 miles weekly. The other days I've been doing Cathe's cardio/weight combos. I did Boot Camp on Sunday (modified the Terminators) and felt really good. I've been keeping super hydrated too.
I"m only 2 months along. I cannot imagine having to give up exercising for close to a year (preganancy + post preganancy). If anyone has any insight, it'd be wonderfully appreciated.
Have a great day!
Due 1/24/04

I hope that link works- it's a link to a question I asked back in November when I was going through the exact same thing! I spotted three times in the beginning of my pregnancy- never much, just enough to notice. (To quantify, I'll say the size of a penny)
I had sonograms at weeks 7 and 12 to make sure all was well, and it was. (I'm due July 15th!) so I really think you'll be just fine! Tell your Dr, maybe you can get an early sonogram too! And you may want to take it easy until you know all is well. Good luck!
RE: Any ladies out there have any spotting during prega...

Yup, same thing both times I was pregnant. I had more than
spotting for the first three months of both, and only during
the time my period was usually due. I would just stop
working out during that time. After the third month, I went
back to working out every day with no other problems. Best
of luck to you. The doctor told me for some women this is a
normal occurance and there is no explaination for it. Lucky
us, hugh?

Take care,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It meant alot that I was able to read the forums from the past. I feel so much better. I haven't had my first check up--it's not until July 16th. I do, however, meet with a nurse educator next Wednesday. I will tell her about her spotting & see if she would recommend that I see the dr earlier. I have never been seen at this ob/gyn clinic, I"m not even sure where it is yet. I'm feeling nauseus right now--which is a great feeling, if you know what I mean.

Again, thanks Lisa & good luck to you!
Tina, so in your experience you'd take it easier while your spotting & continue with your exercise regimen when you were not spotting? I'm really excited about this 10K and I want to do it this weekend if I can. It's a goal I really wanted to accomplish this summer. I do not want to do it if it'll risk the health of my baby though.
RE: Any ladies out there have any spotting during prega...

I did as little moving around as possible. I actually
stayed home from work and stayed prone on the couch while
there was any spotting, but mine was pretty heavy. I would
definately call and check with your doctor first before
attempting a 10K. I was pretty lucky as my doctor actually
had pregnant patients running the Boston marathon in their
3 and 4 month and she was actually behind them on it. She
did however advise me to stay as quiet as possible during
any spotting, and gave me the total go ahead for weights
and cardio when in my 4 month (with both) everything seemed
to be back to normal. I worked out everyday and walked two
miles every other day on top. I never felt better (after
month 4) as far as endurance goes. A little side note, I was
on a 35 mile bike ride with my husband, who can probably give
Lance Armstrong a run for his money, and could not keep up
with him, I thought my tires were going flat or I was coming
down with the flu. The next day I tried to do a Firm tape
(this was 1994) and couldn't get past the warm up. I had
just finished what I thought was a very light period, and come
to find out I was over 9 weeks along! I took a pregnancy test
while my husband was still at work and the little positive
line lit up like a candle in about 2 seconds. My husband
came home from work and I sent him into the bathroom. His
reaction was it had to be wrong and he promptly drove me
to the drug store and we purchased two bonus boxes of tests,
and after the third positive test, he finally gave in and
accepted it. Of course I told him it would probably take
us over a year to conceive and as his luck would happen,
it happened on the first attempt. Sorry this is so long, I
just felt like sharing.:7

RE: Any ladies out there have any spotting during prega...

Thanks for sharing, Tina. It's so calming to hear that other women have had similiar experiences.
I just got off the phone with dr's office. I was scheduled to meet with a nurse educator on the 19th (next Wed), but I got to change it to the 25th & have an ultrasound done on the same day. This means I have to wait longer to see the nurse educator...but I think it'll be worth it to have an ultrasound. The nurse told me that they wouldn't be able to hear the baby's heartbeat until about 12 weeks without an ultrasound.
Also, I am spotting today again, but it is brown. The nurse said that brown spotting is from old blood & not to be concerned. If I was having a miscarriage, it'd be bright or deep red with severe cramping.
You guys are all right, I do feel better contacting the dr's office. I don't like to bug people, so it's difficult for me to call the dr.
Thanks again for everyone's imput.
RE: Any ladies out there have any spotting during prega...

I guess I'm lucky when I told my girlfriend that is the first thing she warned me that that might happen. My Mom told me she did when she had me.
RE: Any ladies out there have any spotting during prega...

I'm so glad you called your doctor. For some women spotting is normal but for some it isn't. I spotted on and off with my first and was put on bedrest just while I was spotting. My doctor wouldn't let me exercise or do anything.

With my second I started spotting at 5 weeks and before you know it I was on bedrest for 3 solid months. I've had a barrage of tests done but no one can figure out why I bleed so heavily while pregnant. I'm talking filling up several pads and actually bleeding while going to the bathroom.

I'm sorry I hijacked your thread, LOL. It's just that DH and I are trying for baby number 3 in about 2 months and I am petrified that I am going to end up in bed again or even worse. My sister just had her 3rd miscarriage in a row and I am very nervous about trying again.

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