Any good prenatal Pilates or Yoga suggetions?


Just wondering if any of you have an good Prenatal Pilates or Yoga DVD suggestions? I'm so afraid to buy one and find that it is way too easy. I'm not doing any impressive workouts right now (loaned my Imax 2 to my best friend until the big day), but I don't want to revert back too far...

Happy Pregnancy to you all!
As a yoga instructor myself, I really like Gaiam's Prenatal Yoga DVD's a link to a clip of it...

I like it because it's not too much of a challenge but offers some of the classic poses to keep you strengthened and flexible and help prepare for labor. Keep in mind that when you are pregnant your joints are more laxed and pliable so you really have to be mindful of how far you go and not push it, because you may find injuries could be more prevalent after baby...

As far as Pilates, I really like the 10 minute solution Prenatal Pilates's a link to a clip of it...

Some of the lunging and other movements are really great in this video and great for a good workout without being over the top!
Hope that helps!
I like what was already recommended. you should definitely try netflix! between netflix and the library, i never have to buy a dvd that i am not sure i like! they have a ton of workouts including yoga and pilates, and plenty of prenatal (search under sports and fitness -- workouts -- pregnancy and post-natal fitness). one i really liked was was jennifer wolfe prenatal vinyasa but i wouldnt do that one if you arent already practicing flow yoga.

hope you find what you are looking for!
The Pilates DVD I used this time was Pilates During Pregnancy by Niece Pacenka (sp?). I really enjoyed it. Liked the leg series so much that I kept the DVD and still do that section!

I got it from

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