Any good April Fool's Day Jokes?


When I was a kid my mom made vanilla junket (it's like pudding) and put it in our milk glasses at dinnertime. I did it once with pudding for my own kids.
Our local weekly newspaper just ran an article about a 400 pound shark being caught in the Susquehanna River.
I remember living in Erie and the local news broadcast panning across the lake while giving a comentary about the annual submarine races.
Any good (harmless) jokes you'd like to share?
The BBC in England does great ones every year. One year they did one about spaghetti farming in Italy, showing people harvesting spaghetti off trees. It was hilarious. Actually, the most hilarious part was that people believed it:p
I would be minding my own business taking my shower for work and my DH would drop ice cold water over the shower stall.....a brrrr....and yell April fools. I'll be on the look-out for him this year}( }(

Back when I was still working as a hospital staff nurse, we used to give report to the oncoming shift and totally feign a train wreck of an admission. I would make them think that this patient needed all kinds of crap like multiple IV's and a ventilator, massive dressing was a hoot.

The Dollar Stores around me all actually sell pregnancy tests...
DH is naturally pale-skinned, with red hair and freckles, but last April Fool's you couldn't see a single one for how red he was!
Here is a good one for a work colleague (with a sense of humor). An official 'While You Were Out' memo left on their desk -- message reads something like
"Mr. Lyon called at such and such time -- please call him back." (with a phone number)

When your colleague calls the number, he gets the switchboard of your local zoo, where (if he doesn't catch on right away) he asks to speak to Mr. Lion! (My husband once used the name "Mr. G. Raff"; the person called and asked for Mr. Gee-raffe!!)

Happy April Fools... LOL
:7 :7 That IS a good one Little Angel!

Last year on April Fools my cousin's co-workers put scotch tape over the holes in the earpiece of his phone so all day he was putting his fingers over his other ear and straining to hear. Funny thing is that it went on like this until October when someone else used his phone and said WTH, looked at the phone for a couple of seconds and took the tape off:7:7 :+

Take Care
I work for a big company .. and our particular work group .. the front counter - Customer Service - the cashiers station has to have three girls on it .. and one to cover the sales floor .. ON April 1st ... my work group got together .. one by one and called our boss .. faking some horrible illness ..

.. I was the last to call in b/c I lived about 35 miles away and happen to be his assistant .. when I finally called in to fake my illness .. at 7:59 ... (I was acutally in the parking lot laughing w/the rest of the girls) .. he was in a dead heat panic .. trying to figure out HOW he was going to open the doors .. he told me unless I was on my deathbed I was ordered to come into work - if he had to he would come pick me up ... at which I busted out laughing and we all entered the room together .. he was sweating and red-faced and we all laughed about it ALL day .. it was a hoot!

He still talks about it .}( :D
I had gotten sick a couple times earlier in the month and couldn't figure out why, since I'm normally pretty healthy. On April fools I sent an email to my parents and hubby that I'd gone to the Dr and had slooflirpa (april fools spelled backward) disease, but that they shouldn't worry it rarely acts up, but I'd have to deal with it for the rest of my life. Apparently my parents were looking multiple websites trying to figure it out. I then got a call from my dad at work and he sounded very concerned and asked how I was doing. I couldn't help roaring with laughter in the office.

Another good joke was one of our co-workers bringing in an empty Krispy Kremes box. People would get all excited saying "oooh, Krispy Kremes" and then open the box to find nothing :)

Have a wonderfully foolish day!
>Here is a good one for a work colleague (with a sense of
>humor). An official 'While You Were Out' memo left on their
>desk -- message reads something like
> "Mr. Lyon called at such and such time -- please call him
>back." (with a phone number)
>When your colleague calls the number, he gets the switchboard
>of your local zoo, where (if he doesn't catch on right away)
>he asks to speak to Mr. Lion! (My husband once used the name
>"Mr. G. Raff"; the person called and asked for Mr.
>Happy April Fools... LOL

You could also put "Mr. Bayer" in that scenario.

A colleague of mine once left me a phone memo that gave a number with no name and the message, "your box is ready???" (she added the question marks to make it seem as though she didn't understand what the message was about either). Anyway, the phone number was for a funeral home! It was hilarious.

I live in a community that has a lot of retirees. Every April Fool's Day I tell an elderly person at the post office (everyone picks up their mail there) that they have a flat tire. I quickly say, "April Fool's!" before they get too upset, though. They can't help but laugh.
They just showed the story about the "spaghetti bushes" on the nightly news tonight as one April Fool joke which went down in history. How funny! That newscaster had to be great to watch.
>:7 :7 That IS a good one Little Angel!
>Last year on April Fools my cousin's co-workers put scotch
>tape over the holes in the earpiece of his phone so all day he
>was putting his fingers over his other ear and straining to
>hear. Funny thing is that it went on like this until October
>when someone else used his phone and said WTH, looked at the
>phone for a couple of seconds and took the tape off:7:7 :+
>Take Care

They let it go on till Oct??? That is too funny. Although come to think of it, I am hearing impaired in the right ear and I can sympathize with the poor soul. Still pretty funny though!!


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