Any fluidity users?

L Sass

This program has me intrigued. I did do a search and I saw some discussion on it from a few months back, but I know we have a number of newer members. Anyone have this program and if so, what are your thoughts on it? I don't really know if I have the space (not that I couldn't MAKE some) but it is rather pricey too. Before I really consider it, I'm wondering what fellow Cathe users think. TIA


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I have it. You will love it if you like Lotte Berk or The Barre Method type workouts. The barre itself is very sturdy and well made.

I unfortunately don't have any results to report. Last year I was not good at sticking with my rotations. But this is a new year and a new me. I will be using this at least 2 or 3 times a week along with all my other workouts.

I have just ordered this but have not received it yet. Could anyone tell me how you work it into your routine? TIA for any suggestions.

I'm always afraid of being sucked in by a new gadget but this has me intrigued also. I'll be interested in what results you see.:)

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