Any female runners around here?


I love to run and I do races just for fun and collecting medals, I have hit the runners high and because of that I love to excercise, my fav workout is Step Bench of coure, the challenge for me is not physical but mental, I am very distracted person, and I hate to follow, but with Cathe I have learn to focused, and I see it more like a brain excercise!!! with the bonus of the cardio, hahaha.

Ok! see I got distracted, my question is for those ladies or gentlemen who love to run, I love outdoors more than indoors, does the treadmill gives you a nice work out? do you feel like running indoors is more powerful than outdoors? Would you share your experience? I would love to hear and take consideration, since I feel I am a rat on the wheel when I am running in the treadmill, I need some motivation, when I am outdoor, I dont even look at my watch I keep going and going, while on the treadmill I am looking at the watch every 2 minutes and I go out of my mind.
The joy of moving, N
I am not to the point of running in any races, but I do run.. my usual run is about 5miles and I go a few times a week. I do have a treadmill, but it really hurts my legs/knees to run for very long on it. I can never run as long on the treadmill as I do outside, but when I do get on the treadmill I love to do an incline workout. I will walk as fast as I can which is about 4.5mph and then vary the incline so it simulates walking up hills. This is great for your butt. Or if I do run on the treadmill I will do my sprints on there so I can time them easier than outside. I will run as fast as I can for a minute adn then slow for 2-3 and then fast again. I do find that watching a show helps me to get through the treadmill workout faster.. usually dr. phil or oprah.. something like that to keep me interested. HTHs
I do the same thing as Trish. I love to run outside and can run 4 miles no problem. The way I get through the treadmill is 1. Definately have a t.v. program on and 2. Run a full minute at top speed then let myself recover 1/4 mile then repeat. I usually set it at 6.3 on a 2 incline for the first 5 minutes then I start that interval pattern setting the speed to 7. It makes the 1/2 hr go by.

You are right...I feel like a rat on that treadmill too!
I have been running since High School. I'm 46 so that will tell you how long...:)...took some time off between 1984 and 1992 because of achilles tendonitis. Then in 1997 I ran my 1st marathon and fell in love with distance running. When I turned 40 I discovered more trail running which I really love. I have run 12 marathons and 2 50K's since 1997, plus many other 30K's and half marathons. I am focusing mostly on 50K's because the Ultra runners I've met are a very interesting group of people. I can't help you with treadmill running as I have only done it once, besides the time in PT...I also love step and started doing Cathe workouts in 1990 or so. Weightlifting is also very important to me, and great as you age for injury prevention. The only other machine I use is a Nordic track, especially during injuries. I could talk about running all I'll cut this short..glad to meet you...:)...Carole
thanks for replying, I absolutly watch tv while running on the ''wheel'', just kidding, oprah, dr. phil, the dog whisperer or Judge Judy, thanks for the tips I do appreciate it (big smile)
The joy of moving, N
Carole I am glad you replied, was very interesting to hear from your experiences as a runner I do truly admire women who run for the fun of it, I hear so many women they hate to run or jog, well I cant blame them, everyone has its favorite thing to do, I dont like pilates or yoga, for example, no, I do not, I am not flexible at all and I am fustrated not able to strech like a pretzel, hahaha.
I find me talking about running too, I started to run on 2000, after a divorce I was 230lbs and ready to have a heart attack, I started to take care of myself, from eating healthy to excercising, I started with step bench every day at 5am on my own,didnt know about Cathe at all, I drop from 230 to 160, and then I went for biking which caused to connect with my inner child, I drop to 140lbs biking outdoors for fun, one day I was in a park over the Bronx and these kids were doing cross country runninng and I decided to run for 1 minute, little I knew I did 10 minutes, the next morning I started to run with music, one day I hit the runners high I started to cry out of joy, and I couldn't wait till next morning, I wrote about every run I did and all the thoughts that went thru my mind while runninng, I have a runnning diary, I drop from 140 to 120lbs. One day after reflecting and counting my bibs from my biking events I thought: If I like runnning more than biking why I dont have any reminder of a run event?, I decided to join a race, I did 5 miles and then 10k,,,, Last October I won 3rd place in a 5 mile race, category female 40-49... I am 47 by the way. I am a loner when it comes to running, I like to run alone with my music, I even have taped messages to me, runnning has empowered me, I grew emotionally after a terrible marriage of abuse,it has been a powerful therapy, when I run I smile at myself, tears of joy sometimes, running means freedom to me, so you see I can talk about running all day hahahaha.
I have read about a woman who does ultra marathons, one hundred miles!!!!... I run 9 minutes the mile, and the longest I have run is 2 hours and 30 minutes, got home and drop in bed for a long nap, couldn't even wait to take a shower. I registered for the nyc marathon this year, I am expecting the results If I've been chosen, b/c is randomly thru computer you are picked to run... any how, there is a 14mile run in Sep that I am planning to do, and I am a long distance runner too, when I do races I am really runninng with all my might and doesnt feel normal, when I run on my own pace i can go on and on and on. I have a pace and when I follow it I am very confortable and happy. I also do weights b/c is good for your bones and muscles, I don't do more than 10 lbs, that speaks volumes about my strength hahaha, I try not to mess up with my legs, I run and bike and do squats and lounges with no weights, I dont want them to be too tired, and i do crunches,,,, A LOT, millions!!!!! to keep a good spine. all for the sake of good health, last month I was doing kick boxing over YMCA in nyc, this young man was asking for our 100% during the workout, I think I gave 200%....that nite, after all that kicking I started to feel a little pain right between my hip and leg, hmmm I thought, this is weird,,,, I sit for a while and I never could stand up, when I did I felt fireworks, an explotion of pain, from my hip to the toe of my right leg, I went to bed in pain, I didnt want to say anything to my kids who are teens now, in the middle of the night I woke up with a burning sensation and I needed the bathroom, when I tried to get up I started to scream, I couldnt bear the pain anymore, my daughter came and said: mom what is wrong? I just was in tears, she had to help me to get up the bed and I had to drag my leg to make it to the bathroom, next morning I was on ER, I didn't understand what happend to me, so when I said to the doctor all my activities that day he said: it was the kickboxing, you suffered of a muscle spasm, and I cant help you with that, only time and rest, stay away from excercising..... and I thought: what?#*%$#???
Me? not excercising?, I have a 5 mile race in 8 days....I said: Dr. you have to give me something.... NOW!!! after begging he gave me a shot to kill the pain and more pain killer pills.... I spend the next 3 days resting from waist down,,, b/c I was doing my sit-ups every day, I am a freak! I thought I am addicted to excercise, my kids kept an eye on me, to not getting out the door with my running shoes, the pain was gone but I was still leaping, 4 days later the leaping was gone and so was I, went to the park and did 5 mile run and felt great! but I never thought that injuries can really mess up with your routine, I think about the people from Ironman who have lost legs and suffered injuries while performing and now they are in wheelchairs doing their races, that is beyond my mind, I can not comprehend, their spirits are super strong to keep going. I need to stop here or I never will. thanks for Replying.
The joy of moving, N
Carole I am glad you replied, was very interesting to hear from your experiences as a runner I do truly admire women who run for the fun of it, I hear so many women they hate to run or jog, well I cant blame them, everyone has its favorite thing to do, I dont like pilates or yoga, for example, no, I do not, I am not flexible at all and I am fustrated not able to strech like a pretzel, hahaha.
I find me talking about running too, I started to run on 2000, after a divorce I was 230lbs and ready to have a heart attack, I started to take care of myself, from eating healthy to excercising, I started with step bench every day at 5am on my own,didnt know about Cathe at all, I drop from 230 to 160, and then I went for biking which caused to connect with my inner child, I drop to 140lbs biking outdoors for fun, one day I was in a park over the Bronx and these kids were doing cross country runninng and I decided to run for 1 minute, little I knew I did 10 minutes, the next morning I started to run with music, one day I hit the runners high I started to cry out of joy, and I couldn't wait till next morning, I wrote about every run I did and all the thoughts that went thru my mind while runninng, I have a runnning diary, I drop from 140 to 120lbs. One day after reflecting and counting my bibs from my biking events I thought: If I like runnning more than biking why I dont have any reminder of a run event?, I decided to join a race, I did 5 miles and then 10k,,,, Last October I won 3rd place in a 5 mile race, category female 40-49... I am 47 by the way. I am a loner when it comes to running, I like to run alone with my music, I even have taped messages to me, runnning has empowered me, I grew emotionally after a terrible marriage of abuse,it has been a powerful therapy, when I run I smile at myself, tears of joy sometimes, running means freedom to me, so you see I can talk about running all day hahahaha.
I have read about a woman who does ultra marathons, one hundred miles!!!!... I run 9 minutes the mile, and the longest I have run is 2 hours and 30 minutes, got home and drop in bed for a long nap, couldn't even wait to take a shower. I registered for the nyc marathon this year, I am expecting the results If I've been chosen, b/c is randomly thru computer you are picked to run... any how, there is a 14mile run in Sep that I am planning to do, and I am a long distance runner too, when I do races I am really runninng with all my might and doesnt feel normal, when I run on my own pace i can go on and on and on. I have a pace and when I follow it I am very confortable and happy. I also do weights b/c is good for your bones and muscles, I don't do more than 10 lbs, that speaks volumes about my strength hahaha, I try not to mess up with my legs, I run and bike and do squats and lounges with no weights, I dont want them to be too tired, and i do crunches,,,, A LOT, millions!!!!! to keep a good spine. all for the sake of good health, last month I was doing kick boxing over YMCA in nyc, this young man was asking for our 100% during the workout, I think I gave 200%....that nite, after all that kicking I started to feel a little pain right between my hip and leg, hmmm I thought, this is weird,,,, I sit for a while and I never could stand up, when I did I felt fireworks, an explotion of pain, from my hip to the toe of my right leg, I went to bed in pain, I didnt want to say anything to my kids who are teens now, in the middle of the night I woke up with a burning sensation and I needed the bathroom, when I tried to get up I started to scream, I couldnt bear the pain anymore, my daughter came and said: mom what is wrong? I just was in tears, she had to help me to get up the bed and I had to drag my leg to make it to the bathroom, next morning I was on ER, I didn't understand what happend to me, so when I said to the doctor all my activities that day he said: it was the kickboxing, you suffered of a muscle spasm, and I cant help you with that, only time and rest, stay away from excercising..... and I thought: what?#*%$#???
Me? not excercising?, I have a 5 mile race in 8 days....I said: Dr. you have to give me something.... NOW!!! after begging he gave me a shot to kill the pain and more pain killer pills.... I spend the next 3 days resting from waist down,,, b/c I was doing my sit-ups every day, I am a freak! I thought I am addicted to excercise, my kids kept an eye on me, to not getting out the door with my running shoes, the pain was gone but I was still leaping, 4 days later the leaping was gone and so was I, went to the park and did 5 mile run and felt great! but I never thought that injuries can really mess up with your routine, I think about the people from Ironman who have lost legs and suffered injuries while performing and now they are in wheelchairs doing their races, that is beyond my mind, I can not comprehend, their spirits are super strong to keep going. I need to stop here or I never will. thanks for Replying.
The joy of moving, N
I am also a runner but only outdoors, weather permissable. That means around here, maybe spring (but not this year), summer, fall and early winter. I can't deal with extreme heat and humidity,icy roads, and very cold dry air (asthma). I hate running on a treadmill, I find that I am more focused on how far I'm going, how fast, heartrate, even the sounds of my footsteps. When I run outdoors I just run and let my mind free-associate. It's very therapeutic. Cathe does require more concentration which is fine but sometimes I'm just not in the mood to concentrate. If I just run until I'm tired I tend to go 4-5 miles. I will run in the occasional local 5K race, just for the social and fun aspects of it.


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
Hi there!

I'm a runner, too! And I LOVE the treadmill. Yes, it's utilitarian for me in that I have 2 young kids to work around in getting my runs in so outdoors is just not always an option.

With that said, I tend to be more of a distance runner (I've run quite a few marathons) and speedwork ON the treadmill has been more effective for me than at a track. I can do mile repeats (or whatever length repeats) easier on the treadmill. B/c I'm getting more specific training on my treadmill, my times for races goes down. Wahoo!!

I also use cardiocoach for some variety (obvious web address), Cathe's ADvanced treadmill workout, and various interval workouts for the treadmill that I come across in my running and fitness mags. That keeps it interesting for me.

I havent' read the other replies, but I hope this helps a bit!
Wow...from 230 to 160 and then to 140!! That is amazing. You should be so proud...:)...Yes, the runners high, it does keep you going. Then to 120...what a wonderful accomplishment Norma!! I like Mountain biking but have not competed. Running races can be very addictive especially when you place in your division. Congrats on your 3rd in the 5 miler. I tend to be a loner running myself. I run with friends on Sunday when I do my long runs. Running is great therapy and I am so sorry for your abusive marraige. I am glad you got away...I understand your tears of joy. I have run thru many emotional times and cried and it does help.

I think a marathon could be a good goal for you. The training is very different than anything you have done. If you enjoy distance, you will like a marathon. It can be competitive but you can also go at your own pace. Seems to be what I like about Ultra runs, there is not a push for a certain pace and everyone seems to enjoy running 31 miles!!!

I am sorry about your Kickboxing experience. You really have to ease into Kickboxing. Cathe has some great Kickboxing workouts.

I see a Chiropractor regularly. Mostly for prevention reasons, and he is also my nephew. I feel if I push my body like I do a Chiro is a great thing.

Thank you for was very inspirational reading...:)..Carole
I run outside only since March 2004. Running outside is great, I'm out there in nature, hear birds, see deer (sometimes if they didn't see me first), frogs, horses, etc. And it is way more relaxing mentally to be out there. Before that I would run for like 10 minutes on the treadmill in the gym and be very bored. I just didn't last longer then 10 minutes.

However, I am planning on buying a treadmill cause I skipped a number of runs last winter due to icy roads, snow or storms. And it totally interfered with my training schedule. Besides, my pt told me running on a treadmill is better when I'm having minor problems with my knee. Thus making the healing proces shorter. And getting me out there sooner.

Dutchie :)
I love to run, too. I would prefer to run outside, but I have three small children. So, I'm usually done with my work out before they even get up. I just found out that my gym has a designated trail outside and I take a pager so that they can get a hold of me if something should come up with my kids in the daycare!! That will get me back to the gym!:)

Also, when I'm on the treadmill I prefer my IPod with some really good music (U2, the Boss!) over the TV. Sometime I forget to charge it though!:( Then there's always the TV. The music really helps me forget about the treadmill. I'm constantly increasing my speed. I get it up to 8.0-8.5 and see how long I can run at that pace. I'm usually on the treadmill anywhere from 30-60 minutes. Depending on what Cathe DVD is waiting for me. I like to do my cardio work and then weights.

Have a good day!

You seem like a neat lady. I can't stand running on the treadmill. That's just me. I would much rather be outside with something nice to look at. I love the smells, the sounds, and the sights. I live in a warm climate so it is possible for me to run outside all year long. I say, do what you like, do what you are going to stick with.

Happy running,
Hi there! I just finished a 10 mile race yesterday!!

I notice that I am able to run faster and longer outside than I am on the treadmill. The treadmill makes me nervous because I feel like I'm not in control and also I find it very boring. But, it's a good option for me when the weather is bad.

I much more prefer running outside. :)
I too love to run. I ran the Chicago marathon in 2003 and kinda got burned out. I moved in the middle of training & ended up doing my final training on a treadmill. Try running 20 miles on a treadmill. I think it was actually harder than the marathon. I watched 2 movies during that run. I would love to start training again & run another, but haven't motivated myself enough.

You girls are amazing, thanks for all your replies I wasn't expecting to hear from so many female runners, hugs to all of you and see you around since I am always reading the forums, "wink". hugs.
The joy of moving, N

You have an incredible story...thanks for sharing!

I too am a runner. I love to do my distance outdoors, but as someone else mentioned earlier, I like to do my speedwork on my treadmill. I feel like I push myself harder during those sessions on my treadmill.

I have run several fact, I have one coming up next Saturday (6/4). That's the furthest I think I'll go...but I admire those that go even further.

Twenty years ago, no one could have ever convinced me that I'd run more than 2 miles at one time...the body is an amazing thing. If you train properly (physical) and if you are determined (mental), it can do almost anything.

Keep up the amazing journey you are on!!


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