I LOVE Powerstrike! It's my favorite kickboxing workout. It's a very "authentic-feeling" kickboxing workout with no added choreography. The punches are hard and fast. One of the instructors (Ilaria) is a black belt in at least one martial arts, and of course her form is perfect. The combos are built on in a very logical, easy-to-follow way. Some people don't like the fact that you work one side of the body, then come back later to repeat the moves on the other side, but I don't mind it.
Ilaria and the other instructor interact in a really nice way. In the "pre-millenium" workouts (there have been about 3 "series" before the Milleniums) I'm amazed at how they can turn towards the camera and be mirroring us, then immediately turn with their backs towards us (usually one at a time) and change which arm is punching, so we can still easily follow.
I wish more of them were on DVD. I like Millenium III, but it's a little less intense than the others. Good for form practice, as you start out with lots of punches, and the intensity builds up more slowly.
Even the earliest Powerstrike workouts (filmed by what looks like a 10-year-old boy who just got his first camera and was trying it out) are great. Though the very first one makes me almost dizzy with the horrible film technique (That's the only one I haven't done that often).