Any Boxers Here?

Lynn M.

Hi there-

I had a really neat workout today. There is a retired boxer who works out at the gym I go to. He is all about plyometric training,and bag workouts using gloves.

Anyways long story short: he and I got to workout together using the above techniques and equipment.

It was an absolute blast!! Punching and kicking a bag was like nothing I had ever done before. Its a huge difference! My shoulders, core and upper body are fried as well as my legs from that bag work. My heart rate soared and I felt like a million bucks afterwards!

I do have to plug Cathe, though. He said that for a rookie, I had way better form than most people he works out with. ( Thanks Cathe.. it was all from KPC, Kickmax, and CTX Kickboxing!! :)

Does anybody here ever do boxing? What was your experience and how did it change your body? I'm normally all about heavy weights, low reps, and straight cardio. This is going to be a great way to mix things up, I think!

Take care, Lynn M.

I took martial arts for several years (karate and judo) and my instructor was also a golden gloves boxer, so he also incorporated boxing into our training program. Let me tell you, boxing is probably one of the best sports you could do. I probably was in the best shape of my life. Boxing is so much fun, but definitely hard work. When you're sparring with someone- even if it's only for a few minutes, the gloves start to become so heavy that you can barely keep your hands up. If you want to know what it can do for your body look at Hilary Swank in the movie Million Dollar Baby.

If you have a chance to train with the boxer, go for it!
Yeah! I hear ya! I love it too, though I've had to stop for a while (neck problems) and scale back a bit on my workouts in general...but I agree, it's vastly different punching and kicking those bags, and boy, do they ever take it out of you! I actually joined the boxing gym (we actually have 2 of them) near me. :)
>Hi there-
>I had a really neat workout today. There is a retired boxer
>who works out at the gym I go to. He is all about plyometric
>training,and bag workouts using gloves.
>Anyways long story short: he and I got to workout together
>using the above techniques and equipment.
>It was an absolute blast!! Punching and kicking a bag was like
>nothing I had ever done before. Its a huge difference! My
>shoulders, core and upper body are fried as well as my legs
>from that bag work. My heart rate soared and I felt like a
>million bucks afterwards!
>I do have to plug Cathe, though. He said that for a rookie, I
>had way better form than most people he works out with. (
>Thanks Cathe.. it was all from KPC, Kickmax, and CTX
>Kickboxing!! :)
>Does anybody here ever do boxing? What was your experience and
>how did it change your body? I'm normally all about heavy
>weights, low reps, and straight cardio. This is going to be a
>great way to mix things up, I think!
>Take care, Lynn M.

:) Now you have me interested in a boxing workout.

I checked online and has the EVERLAST BEGINEER BOXING
DVD for $7.95.

Just sayin'...
I've actually boxed DH before. He used to box before we met and LOVED it. It was SO much fun (and yes, we used pads - but I never could punch his face area. He was too good for me). It's SUCH a great cardio workout. I don't think I've experienced anything else quite that taxing. But it was a blast! :)

I took boxing at a "boxing club" for about six months about 10 years ago. The two guys who ran it were former boxers. Most of the members were guys. I was one of three girls. We did circuit training -- 45 minutes on the treadmill (walk 10 minutes, do 10 pushups, walk 10, do 10...etc.), then we'd move to sit-ups with medicine balls, then jump rope on top of thick mats (to similate jumping rope in the sand, then heavy bag, then sparring in the ring/practicing ducking and footwork, etc. Then the last thing we'd do was speedbag. The trainer would ring the bell every so many minutes, and you'd go to a new circuit. The entire workout took about two hours. It was SOOO great. I got into really good shape for my wedding and I had a total blast. You'll love it!

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