Any birders out there?


My DH and I are visiting Hawk Mountain Sanctuary tomorrow. It's a mountain ridge in PA that acts like a kind of funnel for migrating birds of prey and is one of my favorite spots in the world. Someday I hope to visit Cape May, another birding mecca during the fall migration season. Anyone else out there love bird watching?
I've always been a back yard birder. Since my back yard consists of many acres of forest, swamp, and some meadow, we get a nice variety of birds nearby. I love scoping out the native birds when we travel.

DH and I spent a week in Acadia this summer and I could've kicked myself for not bringing my bird guide. I got see all kinds of sea birds that I don't usually get to see and had no way to ID them. I did also see a pair of bald eagles - THOSE I could ID. :)
I have become a backyard birder in the last few years. My mother was a birder and I have surprised myself at how many birds I can identify - didn't realize I was listening to her all those years! We have the usuals - robins, cardinals, sparrows, chickadees, tufted titmice, etc. - but I get really excited when I see the Cedar Waxwings come through on their migratory route. Plus we have had several downy woodpeckers which I think are so cute!
Not me... but my mother is a serious backyard birder. She can talk about finches like I talk about a good Cathe workout. LOL! Her yard is covered with bird houses, baths, and feeders. She regularly has a crop of sunflower sprouts growing out in the yard from all those seeds.
My Mom loves watching birds and almost every year for Mother's Day we go to Point Pelee National Park in Canada (we live in Michigan). When the birds are migrating north after winter it's the first bit of land when the cross over Lake Erie.

This year for Mother's Day I bought my Mom a software program for her PDA so she doesn't have to lug her guide books with her. A bit pricey, but Moms are worth it! Here's the link....

Yeah, I think I got my love of birds from my mom too. When we cleaned out her house last weekend, we found tons of pictures of "Eve", a pileated woodpecker that would visit her yard every morning.

Carolyn jane, my DD called me one day on her cell - "Mom, I see a bird I know I should know." It was a pheasant.

I don't go on vacation without my guides and my binoculars. And I'm not even a hard core life lister!
My mom and MIL are both backyard birders, and have gotten me more interested in it. I can identify the more common birds in our area, when they come to my bird feeders. And I got so excited when we had a mating pair of Great Horned Owls that would sit on our roof every night and hoot. :D I would love to go on a bird watching tour - that would be so much fun!

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