Anxiety? Anyone? Is this me?


Does anyone on here suffer from anxiety? And do you think I have it? For months now I have been suffering with the need to pee constantly. Ranging from an hour after I go to 2 minutes. I always need the loo. It’s upsetting and depressing. It makes me cry. When I went to BUPA (hospital) my pee was so bad after the treatment (worry and fear) that it dawned on me that perhaps it was stress that was causing it. I just couldn’t stop peeing. I don’t have an infection. No cancer and no irritable bladder. It’s something else. Sometimes I feel so het-up that I feel like my heart is going to come out of my mouth, and I have no idea why. I always feel stressed. Always on edge. Do any of you think that perhaps this is what is happening to my body. Any advice would be most welcome.
It sounds like that could be the reason, Wayne. Stress can do all sorts of strange things to our bodies and minds. Have you talked to your physician about that possibility?

My doctor couldn't give a shxt. I've tried to move doctors but can't get anywhere else where i live. I've seen three different doctors at my place and they have all said the same...they don't know. Honest, sure, but helpful ... no way. Sigh. Guess they think "well it ain't me, so i don't really care". Course if they had to pee every 10 minutes perhaps they'd care a little more. Clutching at straws...hopeing for something to help. Thanks for the reply though Carol.

W x
Hi Wayne:) I know what your going through because I go through this anxiety. It seems to me now this is just MHO that you might really have a problem and the right Dr has not diginose (SP) what it is. Now to me it seems that your anxiety went in to panic attacks because that is all the syptom that you describe which are worrying, crying, heart racing. Maybe it's time to tell the Dr about your anxiety too because it is not a great feeling what your going through. I've gone through this on and off for 15 years and went on some form of medication temporary to get me through the mess. Well I wish you luck:).
I was going to suggest that too (diabetes test). Excessive thirst and excessive urination I recently saw as an oft missed symptom of diabetes.

Define the "need" to pee. Is it just an urge or do you actually need to go? I mean, what comes out when you go? Is it a mere trickle?

-Dr. Nancy :)
Hi Wayne,

I'm sorry that the situation hasn't gotten any better. I agree with Barbara that you may be experiencing panic attacks or possibly chronic anxiety. Anti-anxiety medication, such as Xanax and Clonopin, is an option and can help you relax but are not long-term solutions. I believe that anxiety & depression are very intertwined and can be a cycle. For example, you feel anxious about having to pee all of the time, and you may become depressed that the problem hasn't subsided. Antidepressants are also an option. I believe that one of the SSRI's or maybe Lexapro has been shown to help anxiety as well as depression. Would you consider seeing a psychiatrist or therapist? Some people are resistant to the idea, but they really can help. And if you don't like what they say or don't want to take what they prescribe, you don't have to go back or take the medication. Your own doctor may not fully understand anxiety, so that's why I suggest seeing a specialist.

Good luck.


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