Anti stretch mark creams

Cheshire Cat


I'm very confused about creams. I currently use a very rich emollient cream as an all over moisturiser. Been using the same thing (E45) now for about 15 years and my skin is in very good condition. But...I've been reading about anti strech mark creams and what I have read seems to go against everything I've ever known! The anti-stretch mark creams I've seen are all firming creams which contain alcohol, this is my problem...I thought the alcohol content in these creams tightened your skin (hence the firming effect) which surely makes it more susceptible to stretch marks as the skin becomes less supple as, efectively, the alcohol has dried out the skin somewhat!

Apparently, the skin around your bump needs firming tho to prevent over stretching. I'm confused really.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

I tried an anti-stretch mark firming cream (with alcohol) over the weekend and it left my skin feeling like I had put talcum powder on it..or in other words, not so well moisturised!
First of all I have read that stretch marks are hereditary and the only real way to lesson them is to watch the weight gain so it gradual. That said though, i have no stretch marks . i used cocoa butter and palmers coco butter for stretch marks. Did the product prevent them, who knows?
I have been told that one can use those creams to make oneself feel better, but they really can't prevent you from getting stretch marks. It all depends on your skin's elasticity and how big your stomach gets.

Another note- Regarding how "big" one can get... I gained 40 pounds (kind of a lot) but my stomach didn't get very big. I probably looked like I was 7-8 months pregnant when I gave birth. I didn't get any stretch marks. So, what I am saying is, I don't think weight gain necessarily has to do with how big your stomach gets (so it's a good idea not to restrict calories, in pursuit of no stretch marks, not that you would!)

Edited to add: I didn't use any lotions or stretch mark creams.
I didn't use any lotions or stretch mark creams with either of my pregnancies and I don't have any stretch marks on my tummy. I did really well with my weight gain in both pregnancies. My SIL gained A LOT of weight with her first pg. Probably 60-80 lbs. She didn't get any stretch marks either. (She has lost all the extra weight and none showed up.) I have heard that it has to do with genetics more than anything just as the other posters mentioned, but additional moisturizing can't hurt!

Good luck!
Thanks ladies, you've all just saved me a fortune (I'll buy anything, y'know!). I checked with my mum and after 3 children she didnt gat any stretch marks either, so hopefully, neither will I. Fingers crossed!
I have to say that i gained 75lbs during pregnancy, and the bulk of it was gained within the first 6 months. I used plamers coco butter and mosturized like crazy. I thought i would not get any stretch marks since it does not run in my family and i did not get any until i was in my last month (when i hardly gained any weight at all). My ob/gyn told me not to waste my money on retinol products to get rid of them since she said no creams work on stretch marks.
I would not recommend any anti stretch mark creams since i have used plenty and non worked for me.
Good luck!
I rubbed Vitamin E oil on my belly religiously during my first pregnancy. I got stretch marks.
As a pharmacist, I now know that stretch marks are hereditary and there's nothing you can do to prevent them. If your mom got them, you can almost bet that you'll get them too. However, it it makes you feel better to use creams--use them with caution. Most are harmless, but some contain retinoids which have been shown to cause birth defects at higher doses. There is a slight risk that these may be absorbed through the skin.

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

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