Answering sassyella


I saw your question under Fiddlefit's big news. TCOYF is a book called Taking Charge Of Your Fertility. It's the must have book for those trying to conceive (or ttc). All the information about charting and taking your temp, recording your cervical mucus (or cm) is talked about. You should also check out a very informative website, There you can chart your cycles for free and also have access to all kinds of wonderful information. On the home page there is a link that says circles, this will direct you to the message forums. Beware of those on the forums - many of them are not educated and believe more "wives tales" type stuff, and many many many have fertility issues and it's easy to get freaked out that you do to when reading the messages. So you just have to weed through the stuff. But you can bipass all of the forums and just use the info listed, and chart for free if you wish. I am on my 9th month trying so if you have any questions feel free to ask. I am a mom of a 2 1/2 year old son and am hoping God gives him a sibling! Hope this helps, see you around :) . Congrats on your marriage btw. :D
Julie, that was so sweet of you to post a new thread to answer my question... thank you! I will definitely take your advice. I'm 36 and hubby and I just started trying. My first. My periods are always 26 or 27 days apart with very few exceptions, and thank God I'm pretty healthy, so I thought I'd just get "instantly" pregnant, and never thought there'd be any prob, but DH (who has 2 boys from a previous marriage) said you'd be surprised... Just started poking around the forums to begin reading up on how I'd need to alter my workout once prego and came across the "best news ever" thread...

You're right, reading others problems does put worries in my head that don't need to be there, so I think I'll just buy the book and enjoy working on our little blessing. Best wishes to you as well.. i'm sure i'll have more questions for you later....


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