Another update


Hello ladies, I was able to get an early appointment at the specialist and I am picking up my finger pricking machine tomorrow. The specialtist was so helpful and told me not to worry about my gestational diabebtes because my numbers were not that far off and food should keep everyting under control. Now for the other news, I had an ultrasound done and I am now mearsuring 4 weeks ahead. The baby weighs 6 pounds and the dr. told me that even if they deliver early I will probably still need a c section. I have to just let it go and trust in what is meant to be. I do feel better though and as soon as I get my blood tester I can begin checking my own sugar.
Mary, your numbers probably were close to mine and diet has controlled it. In terms of the large baby, it is probably just due to your size and I'm guessing your hubby has some height too. Although a csection isn't ideal, many women on this board had csections and got right back into shape. I know Melanie had one and was back in shape in less than 3 months.
Thank you for reminding me about Melanie. Most people dont understand how important working out is. I quit smoking 6 years ago and started working out right away. I think I quit one addiction and picked up another(not really a bad addiction)Hopefully my recovery will not be so bad and I can back into the swing of things.
mary - way to go with the positive attitude. i think that will carry you far. when are they saying they want to take the baby? how are you feeling with the diet changes?

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