Another Step Hght ?


Active Member
Cathe, Another question.

I, too, am 5 feet tall. I always do your step videos on 8", but my knees have always concerned me. Bad knees run in my family and although mine don't hurt after stepping, they creek. For example, if I step in the morning anytime I go up the stairs the rest of the day one of my knees creek with each step. Somethimes they ache a little but not too bad.
I am always wondering when they are going to out on me.

Do you think stepping on 6" would be a little safer or maybe prevent injury in my case? What's your opinion? Sharon
I asked the same question

If you choose the flashlight and then fill in keyword either risers od step height in this forum for the last year, you will see responses to that question. I posed the question as risers
from lynxeagle.

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