Another one of those questions


Okay guys I apologize in advance to those of you that get tired of these kind of questions. Since I have no friends, well I have friends, but none of them workout, and I don't go to the gym, this is pretty much the only place I can ask fitness questions.

So here it goes, I do not eat clean (unless I eat after I have taken a shower...haha) or healthy, I know I should but right now I just don't have the desire. I mainly work out to maintain weight and for health reasons. But I would be lying if I said I did not want to tone my body, so my question is can I tone w/o eating right? And is it enough weights if I do 4 days cardio, 1 day complete weight program, and then one day with like LIC or Body Max 2??? Also I have read alot about protein shakes and I am thinking about trying to substitute lunch for a shake, but I have no idea where to get them or what kind to buy, or if this would even be a wise decision at all. I am trying to cut back what I eat like instead of 2 cups of ice cream, just 2 scoops (again funny), but to be honest I don't even know what eating healthy really consist of. Anyway I know these questions are sooo repetitive for you seasoned fitness gals, but I would appreciate any advise. I really did have another question, but after laying in bed thinking about posting, then deciding I would not sleep unless I just went ahead and got up and did it, I have forgotten!! I will end by saying that I am really impressed with all of you and the way you support each other, it has amazed me.

Good night,

Kelli, I think you already know the answer to your question. You have to improve your eating habits, along with the workouts, to get the results you are looking for. Yes, it's hard. It's something I struggle with everyday. I think many others here struggle with it too. But, as the saying goes, just do it. Try using the search option for clean eating tips and healthy recipe and cookbook suggestions. You are right. You get lots of answers and support here. Good luck.
Kelli, it is my opinion that 'clean eating' is a journey not a destination. Meaning, that taking *steps* to get there is the important part. Sure some people are able to change their eating habits over night, I just haven't met any of them. Taking small steps to work towards a clean diet is the way to go in my opinion. Take a look at your eating cycle. Take a few days to write down what you eat and what you were feeling when you ate it. Were you hungry, bored, sad, etc? Look at areas in your diet that would be the easiest to change (maybe cut down a little on ice cream, add more fruits and veggies to your diet, eat an orange instead of a cookie, etc..). If your goal is to look and be healthy, then a healthy diet is a must. Work towards it!

As far as exercise goes, if what you're doing isn't working (again, diet is a huge part of how you look), then you should change it. You shouldn't be doing the same thing every week anyway. The best way to get results is to constantly keep your body guessing. Once your body gets used to the training regiment you give it, results will slow down or stop. My advice again: **vary your mode of exercise**!!. Maybe one week focus on cardio (varying the modes of course), one week focus on endurance training, one week have 3 ciruits workouts (not consecutively), one week focus on strength training. You can also change your focus from month to month. BUT in order to find out if you're getting results (and different people get results from different approaches), you need to take before and after measurement, or pictures, of anything that will give you a frame of reference.

Hope that helps,
>Kelli, it is my opinion that 'clean eating' is a journey not
>a destination. Meaning, that taking *steps* to get there is
>the important part.

I agree with Carolyn.
One good step is to eliminate all high fructose corn sugar/sweetener from your diet. There is evidence linking it's consumption to the current obesity epidemic. This will eliminate many less healthy processed foods automatically.

Adding more raw greens to your diet (a salad at the beginning of both lunch and dinner)is another good step.

The book "Picture Perfect Weight Loss" is a good book for helping teach people to make healthier and less-fattening food choices, and it's chock-full of pretty pictures of yummy food. You might want to check it out at your library.
Here is a list of Clean Foods. It's very easy to make a delicious meal form this list:9

sugar-free low carb protein powder
lean beef
chicken breast
turkey breast
fresh fish
canned tuna
canned salmon
cottage cheese
hard cheese
sweet potatoes
long grain brown rice
old fashioned oats
steel cut oats
romaine lettuce
brussels sprouts
peppers (any color)
string beans
fresh or frozen (w/o syrup) berries
olive oil
safflower oil
flax seed oil
walnut oil
natural sugar-free peanut butter
cashews (raw)
pistachios (raw, insides only)
hard cheese
Chick peas
Sweet Potato
Kidney beans
Almond butter
Mustard greens
Ezekiel Bread
Egg Beaters/Liquid egg whites


Alfalfa Sprouts
Artichoke Hearts
Bamboo Shoots
Bean Sprouts
Beet Greens
Bock Choy
Brussels Sprouts
Celery Root
Collard Greens
Dandelion Greens
Hearts of Palm
Millie lettuce
Snow Pea Pods
Spaghetti Squash
String beans
Summer Squash
Water Chestnuts
Wax beans

If I need seasonings I use Mrs Dash, garlic powder or onion powder. If I must use a sauce I stick with red sauce in stead of white creamy. But my all time favorite is BLACK PEPPER!!!!! on almost any and everything LOL LOL.
Thanks guys, would any of you be willing to give me a sample menu of what you eat in a day??? Do you buy protein shakes at the grocery store, or do you have to go to a health store? Also do you add anything to these like fruit?? The toughest part about eating healthy is the fact no one around me does including my husband so it would almost consist of providing two meals. (I have tried to get him to eat healthy, but he just is not having it)

Okay and I finally remember my other questions...all these acroynms(sp?)are driving me crazy...I have no idea what hardly any of them mean including DH...I pretty sure it is refering to husbands, but not sure what the D means...darling husband?????? And the post with the arrows, could someone explain?

Thanks again for your help.

Blueberries are the best (antioxidant). I usually buy the vanilla PP and just frozen blueberries for a morning shake.
Hi kelli,

yes, DH means Darling, Damn, Darn, Husband. Just depends on how you feel I guess. IMHO means in my honest, or humble opionion. The arrows <-- mean "refering back to me" or the poster, and ^^5 means high five. I'm sure there are plenty others, but you'll get them.

As for eating healthy, it is a process. I was 70 pounds over weight at one time, and can tell you honestly it was diet over exercise that helped me lose the bulk of it. I recommend trying a group plan, like weight watchers, for example to really learn the basics of healthy eating. When I look back to how bad I used to eat, I can absolutly see why I was so overweight. It's night and day to how I eat now. Baby steps is the best way to start, IMHO, if you try to completely overhaul you diet in one day you're sure to crash and burn. Good luck, and we're here to help!

Any amount of weight training will do more for you than no weight training, so, yes, it's enough to start with. I'm sure you will see some results.
>Blueberries are the best (antioxidant).

Blueberries, yummy!

I just finished a bowl of steel-cut oats with rice milk, maple syrup, flax meal and organic, dried wild blueberries (wild blueberries have even higher levels of antioxidants than the domestic ones).
Kelli, one thing missing from your question. What are your goals? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to gain muscle? Do you want to maintain weight you lost? Do you want to eat better so you feel better?

You need to think about what your goals are, then you can proceed in making plans on how to achieve those goals.
I would love to lose weight, but I also know from roller coaster dieting that I don't want to go there. My son is 3, but I gained almost 100 pounds when I had him (bedrest from 26 weeks, hospital 20 days) after having him I was DESPERATE to lose weight, only lost about 15 pounds after having him, so I went the whole diet pill route...I know, I know very unhealthy. I did manage to lose about 65 pounds, but then gained 15 back. I quit taking the diet pills about a year and half ago. In the last year I was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, and my heart was doing some weird things...pulse racing for no reason. Anyway I decided I wanted to be healthy and that is when I begin to exercise. Now my bp is way good, and heart no longer races!!! And b/c I don't eat right I have not lost, but I have maintained and when I am exercising my clothes fit better (don't know how that works with same weight). Anyway saying all that to say I think my goals are changing, but when I first started I also did weight watchers, I would find myself exercising like 2 hours or more just to get more points so I could eat more, I quit after two weeks. If I think diet, then all I think about is food. I guess it is just the same for everyone, it is just hard to decide how to live what would be clean for me.

Omigoodness I am so sorry to write a frappn' book!!!!!

Thanks for all your help and support, this forum is inspiring me to be healthier!!!!!!!!!!!

OH and thank you Sally for the explanations!! I read the <-- post all the time and think I am going to post, but then fell as though I am imposing, but they are sooo interesting to read.

Thanks again!!
hi kelli...

i work out and ride my bike many miles.... so i am fit... however... if i don't eat right... i still look like heck! it really takes both things (exercise AND diet) to get a toned looking body...

i was at my tonest when i was being uber anal about my eating....

i used to be the worlds worst eater.... what it took for me, besides getting the mindset... WAS to be uber anal and uber strict at the beginning... i chose the program that i thought would work best for me (southbeach... good, healthy eating with GOOD carbs and low fat!) i had to "detoxify" and relearn how to eat properly... i used to carry my handbook to the store when shopping to make sure i could buy stuff *rolls eyes* lol! now it's second nature... i know what's good... i read labels... AND i've seen the proof in the blood work.... it's quite shocking!!!!!

i'm not as anal anymore... i do "cheat"... but i'm also not as trim as i want to be... but i know why... it's what i put in my mouth! i still excercise just as much or more than i used to.... for me it IS all about diet!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Kelli, it sounds like to me you are getting the exercise thing down, but still have some major, major issues with food. Going to a nutrionist may help you understand the role quality food pays in your work-outs. You need to figure out why you feel you cannot "clean" up your diet and why you feel you need the 2 cups of ice cream or whatever. And so you know, you are not alone in this, there are many of us that fight the food demons. I personally find the exercise part a piece of cake, but fighting the food battle has always been a problem.

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