Another DVD problem


New Member
My Rhythmic Step DVD works fine on my DVD player
but for some reason doesn't register at all on my
laptop DVD. All my other DVDs (including SNM)
work fine on the laptop and that's how I stay in
shape when traveling. But my laptop doesn't even
recognize that a DVD in the drive when it's Rhythmic
Step. Any ideas??? It's pretty much my favorite
and I'd hate to be without it over the holidays.

I had a DVD glitch and e-mailed SNM customer service directly. They were very, very, very, ( DID I SAY VERY) helpful. Chris helped me go into my DVD settings and figure out the problem.
So was it all email or did you also call?
I'm normally in the UK but I'll be home
in the States for Christmas soon and could

>I had a DVD glitch and
>e-mailed SNM customer service directly.
> They were very, very,
>very, ( DID I SAY
>VERY) helpful. Chris helped me
>go into my DVD settings
>and figure out the problem.

Just E-mail Chris at SNM and I'm sure he will help you. I don't think it's neccesary to call. He is great about helping with a problem. (as Kristina said!) Good Luck!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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