Another Acne Prevention Question


In the "Make-up for acne prone skin" there was a reference to a thread discussion about acne treatment. Can anyone give me a link to that thread? My daughter is turning 12 and I can already tell she is going to have problem acne. Although I did not have much of problem at all, her father had severe acne as a teenager. I'm wondering if she should start with some kind of cleansing treatment before it really starts.

Has anyone tried the "Proactive" treatment being advertised right now? I was considering getting that for her and wondered if it owns up to its claims.
I am someone who has suffered from mild to moderate acne. I have finally found products that have
brought my skin under control and now my skin looks the best it has in my lifetime and it's so easy to
keep my acne in check.

I did use Proactiv for a while and did see results. After a while it became too drying and the cost was
starting to get out of hand. The sizes of the bottles are small and I tended to go through them

You may wish to check out Paula Begoun's website for advice on treating acneic skin. Go to, on the left hand side you will see a section called learn with skin care facts
listed underneath (click on that). When you get to that page scroll down and you will see different
battle plans and click on the one for blemishes. It has a lot of great information on it that may be
useful to you.

BTW, to control my acne I use a gentle cleanser, Paula's 1% BHA lotion, Paula's 2.5% Benzoyl
Peroxide treatment and a good sunscreen during the day. Everything I use is much less expensive
than Proactiv and, in my estimation, works even better than their products.

Just my two cents! Hope you find this helpful.

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