<--and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

<--runs in for a quick hello
<--apologizes for not reading ^^^ or the past few days threads
<--is working non-stop and then leaving for a girls' getaway saturday through tuesday
<--will not be around until after that, but hopes everyone is doing well!
<--will take a break at work now to catch up with all of you lovely ladies
<--says ciao!
<---thanks you all for the kitty vibes :)
<---is hoping someone can figure out what's wrong with Theodore because <--- is becoming increasingly frustrated and hopeless with his situation
<---says it's a long story and <--- doesn't want to bore you with the deets
<---tells Beavs that <---'s mouthy kitty is Mila
<---thinks "talkative" is putting it too nicely ;) :p
<---agrees with Beavs that Shannon definitely deserves to pre-order :D
<---is starving and wonders why lunch is so far away
<---wonders if it's coincidence that Schlotzsky's opens at 10:30... <--- could take an early lunch... hmmmm..... :9

<---waves to Cody :)
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<---waves to everyone
<---hopes Catherine has a great time in NYC
<---is looking forward to being her roomie next weekend:)
<---wonders how Mr. Theodore's vet appointment went
<---is glad to see Maeghan
<---joins Beavs with being nervous about the RT
<---hopes Cody enjoys her girls getaway
<---is glad Phyllis enjoyed HP
<---thinks Shannon should get the series:)
<---wonders if Auntie Biotic did her job for Shannon
<---hopes Lorie can catch a nap later
<---sends speedy healing vibes to Amelia's back
<---missed yesterday's lyric
<---waves to Nancy and Shelley
<---asks Michele how long a classical stretch segment is
<---had a good Piyo (pilates and yoga) class today even though the room was very hot
<---felt like <---was melting
<---if off to help DH pack for his fishing trip this weekend
<---doesn't think the favor will be returned when <---is packing for RT next week:)
<---hopes everyone has a terrific day

RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<--- says Mmmmmmmmmmm Schlotzsky's:9
<--- hasn't been to a Schlotzsky's Deli in years
<--- agrees that Cuz should treat herself to the new series fo shizzle
<--- hopes Cody has fun with her friends
<--- tells Beth the Classical Stretch TV shows run right around 27 or 28 minutes
<--- says you can buy the TV series on DVD
<--- really likes having 26 different workouts, all under 30 minutes long
<--- thinks ^^^ is very doable as a stand alone rest day workout or an add on to another workout
<--- says the stretches are fluid and graceful and really get you good
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<--says is the RT next weekend already?
<--isn't envious only because <-- becomes completely overwhelmed in crowds
<--would love to meet you all in small groups or individually though
<--explains to Shellers that <-- essentially detests Don McLean and wishes that song in particular could be eradicated from <--'s mind only because it's so darn annoying x(
<--accepts the apology ;) :p
<--thinks Beavs of all people has nothing to be nervous about given her superior wit and fun personality
<--doesn't think Carrie Bradshaw's life is anything like reality, but could be wrong
<--would love to have friends like that too, but wonders if it would take too much energy to always look so perfect and be so clever?
<--had more to say, but had better get back to work
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<-- jogs in for a second
<-- has no clue what song was yesterday's title
<-- says grammar schmammar :p
<-- can see one sleeping kitten who looks like she needs a mom to love her
<-- thinks <-- gets to be the mom!!
<-- loves to cuddle with the sleeping loves
<-- forgot what else
<-- remembered
<-- thinks August is icky because there is no vacation days in August or holidays and it isn't as fun as June and it's longer than February and March is just March, which is also icky but colder than August but at least in March you're looking ahead to Spring but in August all you look forward to is school startingx(
<-- is actually really looking forward to fall this year for some reason
<-- is taking tomorrow off :7
<-- hopes you have great days until <-- see youse again!
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<--- tells y'all that Shannon has already ordered the news series - she's talking about the Harry Potter books up there ^^^
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<---wonders how long it will take until all seven HP books are available in a boxed set
<---knows 1-6 are sold like that now

RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<--should have know Shannon was already on the new series like a t-shirt on a sweaty farm hand
<--thinks "superior wit and fun personality" would be great to incorporate on <--'s own t-shirt, resume, and possibly license plate (tag or whatever youse all call it)
<--thinks Nancy should be <--'s agent
<--says "ah-ha! Mila!"
<--thinks that is such a great name for a kitty, particularly with her personality and that of her evil owner ;-)
<--waves to Beth and can't wait to meet her either
<--waves to Cody and Amy
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<---thanks Shelley for straightening everyone out about the Cathe vs. HP thing
<---got a little confused reading all that <---'s self!
<---loves seeing Meg around so much again
<---tosses Beavs a farmhand's sweaty t-shirt
<---hopes Ame has a good day off
<---can't imagine owning 27 stretch routines
<---thinks 27 more cardio routines would be nice, though ;)
<---tells Beth the meds are kicking in and working wonders
<---should probably get back to work
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<--is reporting for duty for the world's easiest job: being Beav's agent
<--is actually sitting here eating a real actual lunch actually!
<--hasn't been interested in lunch in eons
<--is trying to ignore that <-- is eating the WRONG kind of salmon in her salad
<--hopes it doesn't kill her, but loves the taste
<--says you can't expect them to have wild Alaskan salmon at a salad bar, right? :(
<--hasn't ordered the new Cathes or HP
<--did, however, finally find and order underpants! :D
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<---runs into thread screaming like a banshee
<---stops and says "no particular reason... just feeling fiesty"
<---talk to the vet about Theodore
<---is not thrilled with the next course of action
<---says the vet wants to put him on Prozac
<---is terrified, but is willing to give it a shot if it will help him
<---wonders if anyone else has a pet on Prozac?
<---thoroughly enjoyed <---'s Schlotzsky's lunch
<---looooooves the Cracked Pepper potato chips :9
<---would like to go back and have another sammich for an afternoon snack now ;)
<---is LOL at Auntie Biotic - good one, Beth! ;)
<---loves Amy's analysis of the crappy months ;)
<---, like Beth, is also wondering when there will be a boxed set of ALL the HP books
<---tells Beavs that she really needs to meet Mila in person to truly appreciate her purrrrsonality ;)
<---congratulates Maeghan on her cardio workout!
<---is glad Shannon's meds are working
<---is off to pretend to be working some more ;)
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<--runs in to thread excitedly
<--'s afternoon portion of the meeting was cancelled
<--apologizes to anyone who doesn't like the Beatles
<--thought TeTe's clip was funny
<--did Jari Love Ripped this morning
<--was not as bad as <--thought once <--got started
<--does not enjoy waking up at 0430
<--DF gets home today from out of town...yay!
<--will possibly be getting in a different kind of workout this evening... ;)
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<-- can smell Doodle from here
<-- is at work
<-- doesn't like to work
<-- is now inspired to challenge the bootcampers to a plank contest }(
<-- wonders who would win }(
<-- is going to bootcamp tonight as a participant
<-- hates that x(
<-- could keep rambling but <-- won't
<-- never knew there was a bad salmon
<-- had a veggie avocado salad/spring roll or something for lunch #1
<-- also has cutie patootie little scallops for lunch #2
<-- will bbl <-- hope!
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<---tiptoes in and looks around quietly
<---sees she was missed by some and blushes quietly
<---tiptoes quietly back out of thread
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<---stepped on cat's tail while tiptoeing quietly out of thread
<---'s cat squacked and scared me
<---tripped over fleeing cat and fell on patootie
<---thinks great, patootie will swell and be even bigger next week at RT
<---is home and pooped
<---followed up 8 hour drive home with 2 hours of housework
<---wonders why she even typed up a neat, easy to understand list of chores to be done daily for DD
<---says vacation's over
<---says how's youse all?
<---saw something about a trip to NYC, new undies for Nancy, bad lyrics/good lyrics, and a bad smell from New York State
<---has missed you all and hopes to back in the saddle tomarrow
<---is headed to bed with the first HP book
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<--- screams YEA! YEA! YEA! ROBIN'S HOME!!!!!!!!
<--- *MWAH*
<--- *MWAH*
<--- *MWAH*
<--- *MWAH*
<--- is really happy to have you home:)
<--- missed you like crazy:*
RE: <--and in the end, the love you take is equal to th...

<--jumps up and down saying, "Welcome back!" to Robin
<--hi, Robin :D
<--so glad Miss Robin is back among us :)

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