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I was reading Glamour magazine and it talked about how some stars get their great bodies through anaerobics. Can anyone tell me what anaerobics are??:eek:
When you're aerobic, you can breathe easily, or at least fairly easily. When you go past that point to where you are gasping for breath, you've gone over the anaerobic threshhold. For instance, the intervals in IMAX & IMAX 2 , when you JUST WANT TO DIE, are anaerobic...also of course known as interval training.
Another example would be running. If you jog/run, you are breathing steadily & can go on for quite awhile. If you sprint, you will be gasping for breath & will not be able to maintain that anaerobic level past a certain point.
The idea is that the more you train that way, the higher your anaerobic threshold becomes, and the fitter you get. Very effective way to train.
(Aerobic means, literally, with oxygen. Anaerobic means without oxygen.)
I personally like jumping rope for intervals.
I am so ignorant! I thought anerobic was an undesirable state ... except for short periods of time. So it helps build aerobic capacity?
You're not ignorant! It actually is for short periods of time, it's just that after doing interval training for awhile your anaerobic threshold goes higher & higher (to a point, of course) which in turn increases the intensity you can workout at & still be in an aerobic state. Apparently you should do interval training once or twice a week only, so as to not pound your body into the ground...but once or twice is all you need to get the effects. It can also be considered cross training since you are working out in a different manner, even if you're doing the same type of workout, i.e. stepping, running, etc. Of course you should also change the type of workout at least once or twice a week too, but that's another subject.
Also, strength training is considered anaerobic because your muscles are eventually working without oxygen, rather than your lungs etc.
So many possibilities, so little time! LOL

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