An introduction, and! Cardio Coach 6 - Just tried it!


Hi all;

First, I guess I've been lurking for awhile, and I've benefited hugely from everyone's honesty and hard-earned expertise -- so, thank you! I've noticed that people usually introduce themselves eventually. I think it's probably time. I'm 32, have been doing Cathe and a variety of other workouts for over 2 years now, LOVE to work out and try new things. I also have 2 little dogs, volunteer at an all-species no-kill refuge, and am an all-around animal lover. I had surgery a little over a year ago and my fitness level plummeted during recovery. I'm almost back to my pre-surgery fitness level and have some weight to lose -- and of course, since I'm 32, it's H-A-R-D.

On to the subject of Cardio Coach! After reading a few posts about Cardio Coach, I decided to give them a try. I downloaded Cardio Coach 4 and 6, because these seemed the hardest, and after years of iMax 2 and 3, I should be up for anything, right??

Cardio Coach 6 is a real butt-kicker (pardon my vernacular)! OK, I do fasted cardio and usually find that I perform a little better when I've eaten, but this was like iMax 3 on speed! *whew*! Just thought I'd share, in case anyone else was contemplating a download. Volume 4 is doable but also quite a challenge.

Happy stepping, or lifting, or whatever the day has in store for you-

Hi Dee. Welcome to the forums. After hearing such rave reviews of Cardio Coach on these forums, I recently downloaded three of them. ( I got 2revised, 3 and 6) I tried the first two this week and thought they were great! I'm going to try 6 (with Candace) tomorrow.
Glad you like them! Kim
Welcome to the forums! I'm glad you came out of lurk status to join us:)

I LOVE Cardio Coach. A bunch of us do the Cardio Coach Choose Living Press Play workout on the last Saturday of the month. You're welcome to join us, and if you don't have the PP workout just sub with whatever you do have.

Which volume of #6 did you use, Candace or Sean? Either way, they're both fantastic, and #4 is a personal favorite of mine.:)
RE: An introduction, and! Cardio Coach 6 - Just tried ...

Hi Dee

Welcome to the forum and thank you for the post on Cardio Coach. I have an elliptical machine that I bought at the beginning of the year. I haven't used it much cuz it's kinda boring for me... but the Cardio Coach will be a perfect motivator. I can't wait to try it. (I have to get a MP3 player first).

T H A N K Y O U! U E N A B L E R S. :p

Since I have joined the forum (a month ago), I have not stopped spending money. Someone is always suggesting a new awesome workout for me to try. It's great. I love it, but my friends and family think I am a nutcase.

RE: An introduction, and! Cardio Coach 6 - Just tried ...


I just completed the Cardio Coach volume 5. I loved it. It was great. I am telling my cousins and friends to download the program.

Thank you Thank you Thank you for the post.

RE: An introduction, and! Cardio Coach 6 - Just tried ...

Hi all;

Thanks for the welcome!

I have Cardio Coach 6 with Candace- that was the one that I used yesterday. I looked up the Cardio Coach Press Play workouts and they look great! I'd definitely be interested in joining you all on the last Saturday of the month.


I'm so glad you liked Volume 5! Even though the Cardio Coach music isn't quite my usual selection (I think their music is all by Enigma), I find the guided workout makes the time go by a little more quickly -- especially on the elliptical! Although some of the intense challenges feel like they'll never end.

Anyway- thanks to all of you and good luck!


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