An 8 on the Cool Scale....


...with 10 being the Coolest

Paul McCartney was a 10 on my Cool Scale (I saw him in concert last year), and I saw Dr. Phil in Columbus, OH on Saturday. This experience was about an 8 on the scale. He talked for 2 hours, just him, and it was really neat. I spent probably way too much money, but this was a one-in-a-lifetime chance, so I did it. It was workin' for me!

Just Do It! :)
I am so jealous of you! You get to see all the cool people. I live outside a major city & never see anyone.

OH WAIT! I have met Cathe & will be going to see her again REALLY soon! So there!
It was really a fluke how I even found out about it.....I got on his web site to comment on a show, and saw the link to see where he was appearing on tour (this was about April 18 or so). I saw that he was coming to Columbus on Apr. 26, and I tried to get tickets all week, because to that point there were sold out. I succeeded on Friday, the day before the appearance. I went down & back on the same day, so I was REALLY tired on Sunday! But I ran on happy fumes all day.

If you want something, Just Do It! :7

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