...with 10 being the Coolest
Paul McCartney was a 10 on my Cool Scale (I saw him in concert last year), and I saw Dr. Phil in Columbus, OH on Saturday. This experience was about an 8 on the scale. He talked for 2 hours, just him, and it was really neat. I spent probably way too much money, but this was a one-in-a-lifetime chance, so I did it. It was workin' for me!
Just Do It!
Paul McCartney was a 10 on my Cool Scale (I saw him in concert last year), and I saw Dr. Phil in Columbus, OH on Saturday. This experience was about an 8 on the scale. He talked for 2 hours, just him, and it was really neat. I spent probably way too much money, but this was a one-in-a-lifetime chance, so I did it. It was workin' for me!
Just Do It!