Amynicole are you still with us???


Hi Marci....just checking!!!!:D :D :D :D Hadn't seen any recent posts and I'm sorry if this is irritating. I always get irritated in the end when people keep asking me, but I knew you were showing some signs.....and I'm dying to know.

You are so sweet to check on me. yes, I'm still here! No more signs, they just stopped! I have not been on the computer as much lately. I'm trying to get everything as ready as I can before the baby comes and have been doing lots of projects around my house (or at least trying to do as much as I can on low energy with 3 small kids!)

Anyway, 12/1 is just 13 days away!! I'll get to meet my baby Rachel in less than 2 weeks!

How are you feeling?
Glad to hear all is going well!! Although I know you'll be glad to have her in your arms too!! 13 days, 13 days, 13 days......that's so so so so close. I can't wait to hear all about it!!!

I'm feeling fine now (usually). I don't see myself going early, nice thought, but it's probably just a thought. I have felt so yucky for most of this pregnancy that I'm feeling blessed to be feeling so well at present. I missed many weeks of workouts and all the sudden I have this burst of energy (which I believe I'm supposed to be using for nesting, not pumping iron - oh well). I'm hoping baby comes a day or two early, that would be so nice and I don't want to be too close to Christmas for his sake. (I'm thinking he's a boy....a girl can't possibly be this active could she???).

Thanks for the update and we'll be waiting and praying for a safe delivery!!

Briee - You silly girl!! Look at how active you are with less than a month to go!! Of course a girl could be that active!!!!!:p I guess that we will all just have to wait and see!! ;-)
Sara...I'm laughing here, I needed that. I guess your right, I have a hard time sitting still and always did as a child!!

My first son was a livewire and I'm getting scared that this will be a repeat!!! He/she seems to be doing flips (plyojacks) all day long, but I can tell it's getting very tight in there and he/she is limited!!!! If you were to stand right next to me, I'm sure he/she could kick hard enough to hit you and the kids think I have an alien growing in my stomach. Hmmmm maybe there's a chance that it's a female alien :7 :7 :7 .

Good point Sara!!

As of today:

11 days, 11 days, 11 days!!

Briee, I KNOW this baby is a girl because in addition to seeing her little parts on the sonogram, I had an amnio so there is no doubt since the genetics showed XX choromosomes. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that she is the MOST active of all my pregancies. She is quite strong too. Sometimes she will jab me so hard to will jump and get startled!! My first (a boy) was very active, my second and third- girl then boy were about the same, and my soon to be born Rachel wins the prize for being most active.

So you just can't tell by the baby movements the gender.

Have you come any closer to choosing a name? Time is getting close :)
Okay Marci and Sara, my REAL reason for thinking it's a boy is because of the time of conception. We had um...relations.. on the 12th day of my cycle and this was very close to the day of ovulation, I'm trying to remember if my temp jumped the day after or two days later. Anyway, with my daughter, it was the 10th day which would account for the little female swimmers sitting up there waiting for the egg to come by and the guys were long gone (isn't that scientifically put!!)..... and girls are fairly rare in this family. My dh's brother have 6 boys, his cousin has 4 boys, other cousin 2 boys, and his parents had only boys. I've always been amazed that we had any girls (no this really doesn't have a lot to do with it, but seems those genetically male chromosomes are REALLY strong in this family!!).

AND if it's a boy, we just may come up with a name in a timely manner, but a girl.....could be a long wait. We're looking at Ezra or Noah. Everyone is liking Noah and our last boy was going to be a Noah, but I think I already told that story on how he came to be an Enoch instead. I will admit though....I'd love for it to be a little girl because she would be so close in age to our 19 month old daughter, wouldn't that be sweet. I'm trying not to hope too hard for this as it's probably a boy and we'll be thankful for him as well!! :) :)

I LOVE the name Noah!! It does not go with my last name though so I could never consider it. I vote for Noah (not that you are asking opinions LOL!!) I think after the way your last son got named, you should tell your DH after carrying 6 kids you get to pick this time!!

You never know, it could be a girl. I am a believer though it that the timing of conception really influences the gender. DH and I had 2 boys and 1 girl and really wanted our Amy to have a sister. We followed the shettles method and timed out tries to never go closer than 2-3 days before ovulation. The month we concieved it was 3 days before I ovulated and lo and behold a girl. With my 3rd, he was concieved 1 day AFTER I ovulated. With my first 2, I honestly could not tell you because we were not aware of the whole timing thing so we were very active those months regardless of timing LOL!!

Whatever you get though is a blessing and hopefully healthy. I hope you get your girl though :)

6 more days!!!!! I am getting obsessed with counting the days LOL!

Are you showing any signs??

My Dr. told me yesterday that the baby is in the proper position for birth so the induction should go smoothly.
Marci, I will remember your vote for Noah!! I like it too, unless it's girl ;-) ;-) ;-) .

I'm obsessed with counting the days too!!! I have 22 I believe (as if it's going to come on the due date;) ;) ) You only have 6 days!!!! That's nothing, you'll be all wrapped up in Thanksgiving and it will be here in NO TIME!! How exciting!! I've decided to eat some Turkey on Thanksgiving, at least a little :) :) :) !!

NO...I have no signs yet, although, I take that back....the BH's are getting harder. I can feel it in my back more which usually precedes the event. I actually have to stop what I'm doing sometimes, but this still doesn't mean that I'm close...this goes on for some time. I will get excited when that mucous type stuff starts happening, last time it was about 4-5 days before the birth. I'll keep you posted and I can't wait to hear about your birth. At least we will know to pray really hard for you on Monday as "we know what you'll be doing!!" :7 :7 :7 :7

Noah is definately only a boy name :)

Funny you should mention the mucous thing. I was joking with a friend of mine who just had her 3rd that you know you are very pregnant when every time you pee, you hope to have lots of discharge LOL.

I'm having those annoying BH also, they are starting to get painful. Yesterday I was driving and I kept trying to adjust my seatbelt thinking it was too tight and then I realized it was not the seatbelt, it was my belly.

After an obvious break from the boards, I'll be sure to post how everything goes!!
Amynicole (whose name is Marci if I remember right--if not, I plead post partum brain)--The big day is tomorrow, so I am sending prayers in your direction and we all can't wait to hear your labor story.

take care
Hi Maggie, I've been emailing her off the board and I don't think she'd mind me telling you that she is headed to the hospital tonight (Sunday) and tomorrow they will do the induction. I'm praying for her, that all will go well and a speedy, safe, painfree induction!! (that's a lot to pray for huh!!!!)

Marci, Good luck tomorrow! I hope all goes well, and look forward to hearing the news about your new daughter!

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