

I was wondering could you post what you did for your last comp.workout and everything .please ,please oh please (not begging well maybe a little).I just was reading about you on another thread about someone wanting to know if you could really compete with results from working out at home and someone said you had competed and places 2nd and that you had posted pictures I would love to see them.GOOD LUCK i will be watching to see how you are doing and you will be giving inspiration to all.Thanks
Hi Shelia!! Sure I can do that for ya:D ! Actually, the diet I followed last time is alot like the diet I'm doing this time. There are a couple of exceptions. 1st- I ate fruit alittle more last time than I will this time. I'm about 15lbs heavier than when I did my last comp, so I could afford the extra sugars. This time is differnet, so I eat more veggies.
As for training I worked out with the PS Series until about the last 4 weeks. Then I doulbled up on the CTX videos and switched things around. Like instead of CST, I'd do the CTX chest and biceps, and instead of BBA I'd do back and tri's, and then it'd be legs and shoulders. Fot the last two weeks I did Bodymax and MIS only, to deplete my glycogen levels in my muscles, so I could carboload 2 days before the show.
As for pics, my work posted them. Go to And I think it's under what's happening, I think. Maybe links, they're there I just can't remember where!! Isn't that awful!?

Hi Aimee! I was wondering if you could give more info on the competition such as where, when, can anyone attend?? I live in Columbus and would love to see the competition!


Sure Stacy!! It's the Mike Francois Classic May17th at Westerville North High School. It's open to the public. If you do decide to go, let me know, I'd love to meet you:7 !

Hi Aimee,

I also live in central OH and would like to track your progress and attend the show to see if it is something I would be interested in if you don't mind. Good Luck!

How often did you do each PS tape a week? How much cardio id you do for the last competetion from the start?

And as I'm nosey, where is it you work?


There seems to be quite a few of us in the Columbus area! I am also interested in following your progress and seeing the competition. Definitely keep us posted and I look forward to seeing you compete in May.

Hi guys!! Wow there are alot of us here!! We should arrange a get together! Let me see, someone asked about PS and cardio. I did PS 2x/week at first, but the closer it get to comp. the more the reps get upped and the weights get lighter! I was doing MIS And CTX weights near the end. But up until 2 weeks out, I still had PS in my plan not twice by then only once, and it was enough!! As for cardio, I was doing it twice a day 5 days a week, once on my active rest day, and then I had my complete rest day where I didn't do anything:7 !!
You all are great!! I really appericate the support!

Hey Edith, forgot I work for the school system. I'm a cook for one of the elementary schools. I forgot to say that in my last post. Too early in the morning! LOL!
Hi Aimee!!!

Just a quickie to say Hi and to say GOOD LUCK with your training! Glad to hear you are going to compete again. I'll be following your progress. Who knows, maybe HB & I will be able to make it down. Thanks for sharing with us all! We're ALL here to cheer you on!!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Aimee!!!

Thanks Debbie!!! How have you been?? How are the classes going?


P.S. I hope you all can make it down:) !
OH OK I see now Amy. I thought it sorta looked like a high end health club of some sort LOL.

You look great and I appreciate all you have shared

Well, I do work for a pesonal trainer part time. Well, I was until my classes got cancelled. That's my second job where the pics are. I thought you meant my day job, duh:+ ! Sorry I misunderstood!! He he he!


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