I was 36 when I had my second baby and I am 40 now expecting my third (due date Feb. 11th!) My husband and I were open to the idea of an amnio but only if the tests prior to that showed some kind of problem. With our second baby we were given the triple test/blood screen (I think it is called a quad test now) and a Level 2 ultrasound--both were fine so we decided against the amnio. With this baby, we were offered the nuchal transluency (hooray, an early ultrasound!), the quad screen blood test, and a Level 2 ultrasound--all looked okay--so again we opted against the amnio. If something had looked troublesome, however, I think we would have gotten the amnio, not because we would have ended the pregnancy necessarily, but because I believe knowledge is power and the more you know the better off you are. For example, if there was a suspicion of Downs, my doctor would have wanted to do further testing to look at possible problems with the baby's heart--if there were problems with the baby's heart, I would have opted to have the baby in a hospital that specialized in children's heart problems. I would rather have my baby in a hospital that can immediately take care of any emergencies, and I would rather the doctors knowing in advance that there could be a potential problem, rather than waste precious time finding all that out at birth, having to have my baby transported somewhere else, etc.
I know the tests that we have gotten so far are not as accurate in determining problems as an amnio, but the percentages they gave us were pretty good. Good luck and congratulations!!