American Idol


WOw! I can't believe there's nothing on here yet about AI so I guess I will start!!!!:D Can't believe its almost at the finals!
I still LOVE Elliot, he's just so real and humble (and nervous!) and he has evolved so much since the show started- from singing to looks!
Cat is not my favorite, don't like her that much, she did good on her middle song, the other two were alright....
Taylor did good as well, he shows that he really loves to perform. I did enjoy his second song, like it when he just sings....
At this point I think they all have a future in the music industry! I just don't want elliot to go tonight!!!!!!!!
I thought Elliott did very well. It seems to me like the judges made slightly negative comments about him because they want him to go. Simon does not hide the fact that he thinks Elliott will be the most difficult to market after the show.

I like Taylor so much better when he just stands there and sings. To me, he is one of those Idols that fades away a few months after the hype dies down. He's probably fun to see in a small live venue, but I can't see him doing much more than that.

Kat would be fabulous on Broadway.

In my opinion, Paris was by far the most talented in the competition.

You could see the dollar signs fading from Simon's eyes after Chris got eliminated.
The judges seemed to not like Elliott's last song. Said it was bad song choice, but I really like that style of music, like Elliott singing it, and would definately buy something like that. I guess if it is hard to market, I must be in the minority.

Kats second song was beautifully done, and AI could do a lot with her. She is quite talented.

Taylor, is Taylor. He is a performer, and while his funny faces, and spazzy movements may not be the most attractive, he loves his music and he out and out performs.

I bought Absent Element's CD, which is Chris' band. It should be on its way to my house.
I agree that Simon seemed less enthusiastic last night! I liked Paris as well. And I definitely agree about Elliots song- if he had a CD out right now, I would own it. I love his voice!
I HOPE it come down to Taylor and Elliott, and Taylor will win. Cat's singing does nothing for me, although I have to agree that she always looks good. She'll be good on Broadway. I set an alarm clock for 9PM in case I fall asleep in the couch!

It WILL be interesting to see what Elliott does after the competition and how he is marketed.

The Idol tour is coming to Cleveland - I'm more interested in seeing it, more so than when Carrie Underwood won.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
I think Kat sings best when she's sitting on the floor, but that would make for a pretty strange concert! LOL!

I'm not wild about any of the three remaining contestants. I do like Elliott, but I'm afraid his song choice has done him in, since viewers can't relate to the songs.

Most of the time, it seems like Kat wants to sing "big," but as Randy said, she's not quite there yet. And I think she's a bit full of herself sometimes.

Taylor probably did the best overall last night.

I'm pretty indifferent about who the top two are or who goes home or who stays.

I do think the top three would have been more interesting with Chris in (I would have liked to see what he did with the judges' and the other guys choice songs, since they may have brought out a different side of him).
I think Elliott is going home tonight, and he really should, imo. He just lacks that extra "something" that Kat and Taylor both have.

I thought Kat was brilliant in her second song. I read somewhere that her idol is Gene Kelly, which tells me where she wants to go with her career, and I totally agree with that. She would do great on either film or stage, imo.

What would you do with Taylor after AI? I mean, you can't watch the guy do his manic thing on a CD. Simon keeps looking at him like, "how am I going to market this guy"? I like Taylor, but I could only take him in small doses, I think.

If Kat and Taylor get into the final two, then I will be happy. Both will have a good foothold on a musical future at that point.
I am still rooting for Elliot. His vocals are stronger than Taylor's IMHO...however, I think Taylor's persona will get him through.

Kat I could take or leave. I'm tired of the female ballad poppy chicks.

I think Chris is going to do better than the lot of them anyway. So sorry he got the boot.

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

I'm with you.. A proud Chris fan.. i DIDNT vote and DIDNT watch!

I know Chris will do great. I just wonder what AI does to get the Chris hold outs back. I just read the AI boards a lot for my Chris fix!
Well, I DID watch, and know I have to vote for sure next week since the vote was so close - I certainly don't want Kathryn to win! I'm even less excited about her than I was about Carrie Underwood last year.

Elliott - bless him! I hope he does well with this giant career boost! He deserves it!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Since Chris got voted off I am less enthusiastic about watching American Idol now. I really hope Katherine does not I guess I am picking Taylor to win, however I think the best one already got voted off(Chris)
Man, that was heartbreaking watching Elliot leave, but he is such a trooper. What a prince of a guy. I wish him well on his career :)

I'm with Taylor now. I'm just not into something about Kat -- too stuffy, too been there done that. Taylor is a true down to earth guy & I like that.

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

Dissenting opinion. I like Katherine better than Taylor and will vote for her now that Elliot is gone (sniff-sniff!). I think she is more like Kelly Clarkson in that she has an excellent voice and more potential. Taylor is an entertainer but don't feel his voice is as good or that he has the growth potential or would be as versatile.
I am with you Marie, but I think Taylor's fan base will pull him through for the win. It doesn't matter at this point, Kat will get a deal also, so the real competition between these two comes after the show ends and the cds come out.
Elliott showed alot of class! He will do well, and it is well deserved:) I wish he was in the finals, but it was close!
Ann Marie
I really don't care who wins at this point, but Elliott sure went out with grace. He just seems like such a good person.

Paris, Chris and Elliott should consider themselves lucky. Not winning means that they won't be bound by 19E and their restrictive contracts. The Idol winner's contract is ridiculous. Look how much better Kelly Clarkson did once she dumped them.
Elliot did go out with a lot of grace. He does seem like a very good and caring person. I hope he does well. This whole group was very talented and will hopefully have big things happening for them because of this.

I am not sure which way Elliot fans will vote so that could be the deciding factor. Along with how they do in the final.

And yes I agree that the true winner comes out when the CDs come out for sale. Ruben won over Clay but I think Clay has done better in developing his career.
Did you notice how close the votes were for the final 3 (hard not to, if you watched the show!).

It was interesting to see clips of Elliott from earlier on. He REALLY benefited from the change of hair (both head and facial!). What was he thinking with that "werewolf" look in the beginning?

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