American Idol: what is America thinking?

I don't watch the show so I really don't have a clue about the ones you are referring to but I had to toss this in because I heard it today on Regis & Kelly... Howie Mandell was subbing for Regis and this came up.. he said that he heard that people like Howard Stern and others are purposely getting fans and people to vote for the worst singer so they can get him ( I guess it's the guy you mentioned below) to win American Idol..
It's got to be vote for the worst website. Darn them! Sanjaya and Haley should have been gone before Stephanie - that's for SURE!
Every Wednesday night I vow I will never watch the show again. Haley and her stupid shorts! Howard Stern and his stupid hair and stupid website. Sigh! I'll be ranting next Wednesday.

Personality, folks. This is a huge part of the order. One bad song and zero charisma can send you packing. As crazy as Sanjaya seems (and belive me, I know he can't sing very well), he does stand out personality wise. Steph was not standing out from the crowd. Chris I'm sure will return to his original style...but I really did like his soft ballad. I mean, didn't the crying girl say it all? ;)


I'm not gaining weight. I'm retaining food.
I am one of the guilty ones here....casting 1000 votes for Sanjaya every chance I get. Just kidding!:p I haven't voted. I was surprised to see Chris? down there with Stephanie. Glad Steph got the boot. Didn't like her too much.

I have an almost 14 year old DD who thinks Sanjaya is the cutest thing, and just loves him. Besides VFTW, I think Sanjaya is getting the little teeny bopper vote just like the little crying girl.<I did not let her near a phone to vote, but I think other teens were voting for him>.

I watched the show yesterday morning on DVR, and knew that Steph would get voted off. She was boring, talented, but nothing to grab people. I don't like Chris R at all, so was not unhappy to see him get bottom two. I predict Jordyn and Blake final two, because Melinda's squinting is going to bug people. She is GREAT, and will do a Daughtrey and sell more albums than the winner!
I thought Stephanie was a good choice to leave. I don't think she's performed great since the beginning. I did want that conehead guy to leave though. I just don't think Stephanie has a very good personality. And you know what they say.... Personality goes a long way.
>It's got to be vote for the worst website. Darn them!
>Sanjaya and Haley should have been gone before Stephanie -
>that's for SURE!

actually... it's more the teeny bopper vote... he was getting oodles of votes and staying BEFORE he was VFTW's candidate (they originally were voting for antoiletta and sundance... they only switched to sanjaya AFTER those two were voted off.... and he stayed for those weeks with his teeny bopper vote....)

as for stephanie.... i didn't like her anyways... she reminded me of that horrible fantasia!

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I agree that there are more teeny boppers voting like mad then people like us. I watch, but have yet to vote.
I agree that Stephanie has been forgetable these last few performances. She sings great, but not much in the personality department. VFTW and Howard Stern are encouraging people to vote for Sanjaya. This is the way I see it...there are lots of popular teeny bopper singers out there who make millions of dollars and cannot sing for beans...did I hear Britney Spears? What would make Sanjaya different? I love Melinda's voice and think she should record already, but she needs to learn to own it.

Of the bottom 2, I'm glad it was Stephanie who went. I liked her in the beginning,when she seemed close to being on par with Melinda and Lakisha, but she seems to have lost steam.

I think those of you who said she didn't really stand out or make enough of an impression hit it on the head.
I agree that Sanjaya is getting the 'crying girls' votes of America.

I heard on the radio this morning that these final 10 are actually the group that will be touring! ACK! LOL

yep..... same here.... i watch but don't vote..... i can barely stay awake to see the show (tuesday i couldn't.... i went to bed at 8:30.... recorded and watched it wednesday after work!) no way can i stay up after the show to vote for 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
My hubby listens to Howard Stern (Personally I think he is an idiot and I do not understand who would listen to the PIG but who am I)? He is encouraging people vote for that Sanjay sorry do not watch the show spelling may be off.


"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
We won't even get started on what I think of Howard Stern. I'm sure he thinks his VFTW promotion is cute and funny. NOT!

Anyway, I don't think Stephanie would have gone all the way, but she is WAY better than a few of them left... mainly Sanjaya, Haley, Phil and Chris R. As long as none of these four make it much further, I'm okay with her being gone.

I am completely baffled how Sanjaya has made it this far, but as we all know, every season there is somebody who cannot sing, that sticks around far longer than they should. Sanjaya is pitiful to me. I actually feel sorry for him because he sounds so horrible when he sings and has zero personality... like a wet dishrag! Ah well, all we can do is keep hoping he's gone SOON!!

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