Am I getting ripped off? LONG


Okay, here's the story. I ordered the high step from all around fitness. Awesome deal.. Gray topper, five risers, plus Cathes' muscle endurance, $42, $10 shipping. AOl wouldn't let me open the order page so I had to call in the order. I gave customer service the item number AND we specifically went over everything included. I sent a money order out on sat. (trying to live credit card free, HA)and they were going to send me an email just to verify that I had ordered. Another email would be sent when they received money order. As of 3 o'clock today I hadn't heard anything from them. I had also read a post from another Catheite who lives closer to the store saying that she was quoted $15 for SH. So I decided to call and ask if they had received payment and what was up with the different shipping prices. The same rep. that took my order answered and before I could say who I was she said she remembered me (odd?) She said she had not received payment but with holiday it could be held up. About shipping she said that she had made a mistake with me, but they were going to honor it because that is what she quoted me. Ok, I'm feeling better and everything seems ok. True to her word about an hour later I get the email confirming that I had ordered. EXCEPT it is saying I ordered four risers and no mention of the Cathe tape. So I kinda flip out, recheck website to make sure I am correct. I was, so I called her back and had to leave a message. I also emailed her back and pointed out all the problems. Within an hour I got another email from her saying that their web designer made a mistake and it should of been four risers, and that the picture only shows four (I haven't gone back yet to see if shes right)But because it says five, and that's what I ordered once again she said they will honor that. She went on to say that the "complimentary" Cathe tape is discontinued and they don't have a substitute. I have to let her know if I still want this, or do I want her to send money order back when she receives it? Ahhhhh, I am very disappointed. I really wanted that tape. What do you guys think? Would you make a fuss over the missing tape? I thought those "complimentary" tapes were sealed up in the box? I could really use some opinions!
I would personally be really irked by this. If they advertised it with the tape, it should be there. I would probably cancel my order out of sheer irritation and take my business elsewhere, even if I had to pay more.

But....I tend to be a somewhat high-strung person:p

Hope you figure out what to do.

You know what else the customer service rep. said in her email. When she wrote me about there only being four risers, she added that most people can't use five risers because they find it too high. I've never used the high step before but I'm just betting there are alot of people who need the five risers because of their height, and or strength level. I'm 5'7 and thinking I need the xtra riser. I was irked and thought that was a little manipulative. Like it was okay that she was going to send me the wrong amount because most people don't use it. Argh, thanks Maggie I was wondering if I was over reacting on the missing tape.
I'm 5'4" and I like having 5 risers! Good for you for making an issue of the risers. It sounds a little manipulative to me too, as if they wanted you to give up the extra riser and pay the same amount, because like "most people" you wouldn't need it anyway.

I would return it. I hate when companies false advertise. When you ordered you paid for and thought you were getting 5 risers and the ME tape. Insist on getting what you paid for or get your money back. Good luck to you!
The ME workout actually uses six risers under the high step (if I remember right, haven't done it in a while), and I find that TOO HIGH. I think most people would defintely need the five risers. I would cancel my order, just to prove a point!
Well four emails later all is settled. They are going to send me the High step with five risers and a Cathe tape (not sure which one yet). For the price I ordered it for!! I am very excited. And was pretty surprised when I got their final email. I think they have to go and order the tape from Cathes site. I'll post back here when I get it.

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