Alywn,TT,KB & P90X!!!!! SUNDAY!


Good Morning:)

DS is up bright and early today. He hasn't been getting up until 8:30 lately but today it was 7:30x( Not sure whats up with that. And I still can't get him to bed any earlier then 10:30....really,really,don't know whats up with that. I played around with his nap time a little this week but that didn't help at all. Maybe its the heat? I just hope he isn't making an habit out of it b/c after all day I need some downtime and I haven't been getting downtime until I go to bed to!

We are going to go for another run today. Not as long as yesterdays though, I don't think my knee can handle it. It felt a little funny yesterday.And I have to get a weight workout in today. If I have the time I would do full body.

I took my weight and measurments today, thought I'd share:
123.8 lbs
I didn't bother taking my legs and arms, they never seem to change much.

I will BBL! Have a good Sunday everyone!

Morning Ladies-

Not sure if everyone wants me to keep checking in here since I'm officially taking some time off from my Alwyn workouts, but I'll be doing my Kettlebells on Fridays like I used to. That combo of SWAT and KB's left me with some DOMS that I'm quite happy about.

This morning I did Mindy's Tricycle Spinning. I have been dreading Spinning since I burned out on it when I had my last stress fracture in my foot. So I forced myself to stay as long on the bike as I could which was 40 minutes and then I finished off doing cardio on the Rebounder to Abs Diet for Women. Total cardio was 60" and I burned 602 calories. However, I was surprised by that cuz I couldn't get my HR up that high...although this was a tough workout and I pushed as hard as I could. I can't do one of Mindy's Spinning workouts as scripted and keep up with her. She's a freakin' maniac and I need to get "back into" Spinning again. The standing climbs kill me.

I also did the Ab 1 and Pilates & Yoga Part of Abs Diet for Women and then I finished off with Gentle Vinyasa Flow 50" with Zyrka Landjit. I finished off rolling my body out on my Foam Roller since I'm so freakin' tight. Need to do this more often and longer. Tip for PF sufferers....rolling your feet out on the roller take some of the pain of PF away.

I liked the abs & cardio intervals segment off of Ab Diet for Women, but doubt if I'll ever use the short strength portion on it.

I have SO Many DVDs in my "virgin box" and so many that go back in as "undecided" status. A lot of them are good for piecing together workouts when I have exercise ADD...but aren't "stand alone" workouts I keep them in this special place.

Have great workouts everyone. We're going to see Hellboy 2 today. I'm not into it...but the DH wants to see it.

Can't believe it's back to work tomorrow. Working 6 days a week really sucks. I'm going to talk to my office manager and ask her if I can have a whole day off during the week on the weeks I work Saturday. We'll see what she says.
Good Morning Girls.

DH and I had fun last night. We went out to dinner with another couple and then on to 3 different bars. We had lots of laughs. :)

I have some pretty fierce DOMS in my abs from yesterday's work out. Haven't had this since I first started doing the X back in January of 07. Me likey!}(

Lori: Nice measurements. Mine actually aren't far off from yours but some how you look tiny compared to me. Perhaps you are taller.

Lora: Don't be silly! Your once a week KB plan qualifies you to stick around!;)

Today's plan is to hit the TM. I am considering doing CC 7 or 8 since I haven't done either one yet. We'll see what happens...

Good afternoon, girls!

No workout for me today other than a nice hour long walk (which I already did) and maybe a round of (really bad) golf later. It's so beautiful out that's it's a shame not to take advantage of it, especially considering it's back to the old grind again tomorrow.

Lori, nice job of the measurements!

Wendy, glad to hear you had a good time.

Lora, ditto what Wendy said! ;-)

Off to a shower, BBL

I'm back.

I ended up nixxing the gym idea. I was just too darned lazy to drag my arse out the door. Oh well. I certainly got a good work out in anyway.

I did the 2 segments from Extreme KB Cardio W/O that I didn't do y'day plus all of the cardio segements from Ripped 1000 with 30 sec rests in between them to make it HIIT style. It was a killer work out in a short amount of time (about 30-40 minutes from w/u to stretch)!!!

I swear Keith saved the 2 hardest segments in that KB work out for the end! I started segment 5 with my 20# bell thinkin' I was all big and bad. Well he put me in my place REAL fast! I couldn't finish the segment! My back was ON FIRE! I tried trading up for the 15# bell but it was too late so I walked around for the last minute or two of the segment. By the time the segment was over my back had recovered. I promptly picked up my 15# bell and got goin'! LOL actually, I went back to the 20# after only a couple of minutes and was able to make it through. I am surprised though as the last segment had tgu's in it and I didn't think I'd be able to do them with 20#! YAY me! :7

Jen: Sounds like you are having a great weekend. Good for you. Enjoy golf if you go. We are not so lucky as to have nice weather today. Heat and humidity are both up today. YUCK! We spent some time outside last night on the balcony of one of the bars we were at. It was beatiful out last night! Nothing better to me then to spend a nice night outdoors with some friends and few drinks. :)

Off to the shower. Hopefully I'll be back later tonight. Going to MIL's this afternoon for DH's Birthday dinner.
Hey there ladies !

I am taking a day off - have major hip joint pains after running yesterday. Trying to figure out why? Did run on the road instead of mostly on hard dirt trails - didn't run any faster than usual - didn't walk at all (usualy take a couple minutes walking for music issues or just plain too high of HR) - not remembering how old my shoes are.

Any of you experienced that before? Think I'll post on the Open board - it hurts just to walk.x(

Lora - I'm with you as I am not doing Alwyn any longer, at least for a bit. And haven't got the $ to do KB yet which I'd like to. So I don't really fit in to the original check in purposes either. I hope your boss lets you take a day off - that's what we do with our production people when they have to work Saturday's since then we don't have as much overtime. It also helps with a Work-Life balance which is so important to most of us these days. I like the way you just hop into mish-moshes with all of your workouts. I don't have too many, but am not quite as creative as you are.;)

Lori - I remember when DD stopped napping at 18 months, woke at 6:30 every day and hit the the bed at 10. Was such a bummer because I like the "me time" too. Hope DS gets back into his normal routine or you can find one that work to give you a little down time too. Also hope your knee cooperates ! Doggone body parts - can't they just work like they are supposed to.:-(

Wendy - woo hoo for having a great time last night. I so love having fun chats with friends. Yippee for DOMS - you seem to be doing very well in that dept lately. Hope you enjoy your CC - have only done part of 7 and 1st 2 challenges of 8 - I like all the ones I have so far but have yet to do an entire hour of any of them.

Jen - an hour of walking and then golf is a workout, just not a strenuous one. I would definitely take advantage of the nice weather. I'm not looking forward to work either. Had two short weeks in a row and don't want to work for 5 ! x(

Enjoy your day ladies !
Hi Jacque.

My hips will start to hurt DURING my longer runs. It's just something that happens to me and I've learned to deal with it. I don't have one but I have heard many folks sing the praises of a foam roller. I'll bet if you used one it would make your hips feel better. :)
Since I changed up my work out today I haven't done ANY of CC 7 and still only the 3rd challenge of CC 8. I'll get to 'em though!!!:)
Jacque, I was in the same boat last week...first full week back to work after two short ones. hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it was the longest week ever!! Hope yours goes by faster.

Wendy, I'm with you on a beautiful evening out with friends and a few drinks. It's one of my favorite things! And not something I do too much of anymore :( Seems difficult to coordinate everyone's schedules, get sitter, and all that happy stuff. Often, we just end up getting together at someone's house, kids and all. That works too. ;) Sounds like you had an awesome workout. Maybe bells will be my next purchase after all. Do you think that cardio kettlebell workout you talked about would fit in with AB?

Lori, it has been a while, but I remember my daughter going through those sleep issues when she was about that age. I ended up taking away her daytime nap completely in an effort to get her to sleep earlier at night, and to get her to sleep through the night. It was tough because she'd always hit the wall around five in the afternoon and want to nap, and I had to find anything and everything to keep her going until I could put her to bed for the night. It took some time, but it eventually worked. Oh how I wished her sleep habits were like my son's were...sleeping through the night at six weeks and napping until he was close to three. Instead, she didn't sleep through the night until she was two. There was a period of time (between 12 and 18 months) where she's wake up at one in the morning, and stay awake until four. I watched more Teletubbies videos during that time than I'll ever need. Anyway, they're all different and it's trial and error until you find what works.

Okay, off to get ready for golf and who knows what else. (I know what I WON'T be doing is housework. :+)



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