Alwyn, Kettlebellers, TT, Etc for Sat 7-12


Morning Fitness Godesses - (my inner Libra seems to be emerging..LOL)

I've got to work today, so I'm totally out of whack. Plus I'm gonna start TTOTM a full week early. AT least it explains why my pain has been flaring lately and I've been so hypersensive and hungry! LOL. TMI??

Anyway, cuz of the above, my so called "recovery" workout turned into a bit of a moderate workout. Kept my HR between 70-80% max...mostly 70-75 and did Kickbox Yoga Fusion with Patricia Moreno. This was the first time I did it and enjoyed it. She breaks down the combos a bit I double timed since I could. I listened to Shine Down's Sound of Madness and still picked it up well...and the combos were different from other DVDs I I'm very happy with this workout in my collection. The yoga sections are the w/u & c/d only and are very short. Workout was 56" and I burned 489 calories.

I also did Yoga in Ten - 15 min segment - Stress Relief segment. It felt good. Wish I had time for more stretchy stuff.

Have great workouts everyone. Oh....and I'm happy that I have some DOMS from yesterday's workout. I think the change up is a good thing :)
Hi Girls.

I missed my work out y'day which did NOT make me happy so I will be doing it today instead. I was supposed to do a 5 mile race this morning but I'm totally not into it so I bagged it. Oh well. No biggie. There will be others...

Yesterday was a busy day...we did the park, B&N for Thomas and story time, some painting at home plus lunch, the food store and finally the water park. By the time it was all over with we were all very tired. Joey LOVED the water park. We thought he'd be afraid but oh my goodness he was sooooo into it! It was super cute to watch him on the slides!:+

Today I'll be doing what I should have done y'day: Webber's Extreme Cardio KB work out. Going for total body today. First time with this instructor. I hope I like it. :)

Good Morning Gals:)

Day #1 down....6 to go!x( I think this is the longest time DH has been gone. Im trying to be optimistic but Im not doing a very good job;) :7 Maybe I should just pack everything up and go to my mothers for the weekend! If it wasn't for the dogs I probably would. I don't even know anyone who can come here and take care of them while I am I will just stick it out!

Im gonna go for a run today and maybe some weights when DS goes for his nap. Im not sure what else i will do today.

Lora** Sorry you have to work today! Sucks doesn't it! Your not even getting a good break from all those weirdos;) I only own Cathe workouts..all of the instuctors you have named, Ive never even heard of! LOL Ive bought different workouts in the past but never got the hang of them, felt it was a waste of time so I would just put them aside.

Wendy** Sounds like you had a good day with DS. How old is he now? Im wondering when DS will start saying more words. I know boys are a little different then girls but my public health nurse makes me feel like I have the slowest baby in the world! Not kidding! She doesn't have any kids of her own and all she does is read books, therefore, each kid is suppose to be at the same level. The other day when I went she wanted to know if he mocked me doing house work, interested in tolit training (he is 18 monthes!) gave him a bottle to feed the baby ( he doesn't have any dolls) Just stupid stuff like that. She makes me sooo mad! Anyway...

Alright, I should get ready to start another day of running around like a chicken!

Good morning, ladies!

Today's workout is up in the air for me....technically, it's a cardio day, but I don't know if I'm going to bother. I'm kind of feeling run down and tired lately, and I'm thinking I might need a day or two off. Seeing I'm beginning Phase 2 on Monday, I might blow off the weekend and start fresh then. I'm also thinking about following the WSFL diet (strictly) again. I've really overindulged the past couple days, and I think it's in part due to a lack of structure. WSFL provides that.

Lora, great workout. I lol'd at the "Yoga in Ten" 15 minute segment. Isn't that contradictory?

Wendy, holy moly, that was a busy day yesterday! It sure sounds like a lot of fun was had by all! Hope you enjoy your KB workout.

Lori, hang in there...the end of the week will be here before you know it, and I'll bet by then you'll be enjoying having the bed all to yourself ;-)

Have a great Saturday everyone! BBL~

Lori: Sorry you are so stressed out about DH not being around. Can bring the dogs to your mom's with you? :7 No worries about the nurse. Every child is different. Ignore her!!!!

Jen: If you are tired and not feelin' the cardio then bag it. Perhaps the weekend off is the right idea before starting stage 2. Sorry about the indulgences. I've been doing the same thing lately. x(
Oh...I also forgot to tell you guys this little story.

So, my SIL was comming into town last night to pick up my neice (who babysat for me all week) Now, my SIL is very out spoken, we have had it out over the yrs but I have come to learn to ignore her. She can be very contray at times...and so on. I call her on Wed night to tell her that if she wants, they can all stay here on Fri night, thinking, we would get a movie or something.
She gets here last night about 7ish with her other 2 kids, I see her car in the driveway but I don't see her. I ask one of the kids where their mother is and they said that she is gone out for dinner with her friends. So she just hopped in the car with her friends, didn't even come in to ask if anyone wanted anything or if I wanted to go. Not that I would have but with a 14 yr old here and 3 12 yr olds, i think there was enough people to babysit.
I had a hard time getting DS to settle down last night, which is the norm these days. Finally, from 10-10:30 I don't hear a sound from him. At 10:30 my SIL gets here, the people that drop her off blow their horn as they are leaving and then they start having a conversation....YELLING mind you, b/c she is on my front step while they are out in the st, in their car and my sons window is open b/c of the heat. I was soooo pissed! He starts crying again and I have to go rock if I haven't been busy enough all day!
When I come back downstairs I jokingly say, "tell Kelly the next time she is here to not blow her horn when she leaves" My SIL then says " what? Do you own the st now?" UGH! I said " no but DS window is open and you guys woke him" Prehaps it was a mistake to invite them here for all night. Prehaps by the time I get back from my run they will be gone!

Wendy** My mom runs a b&b out of her house so I can't take the dogs. One dog is well behaved but all the other one does is bark! And that gets the good dog going! LOL It would be to stressful so its just as well to stay where I am.

Off to get my run over with!~

Lori: What on earth would possess your mom to run a B&B!? :p She must REALLY be a people person! I know I could NEVER do that! OMG!:eek:
Good morning ladies !

Less than an hour til race time for me. 10K for the first time. Then off to a large "biker rally" BBQ at a local city that brings in 1,000 - DH's boss has a large property that gets many of the visitors to the rally.

Pretty interesting people watching !}(

May BBL. Have a super day if I don't make it back.
I just previewed a bit of the new KB work out I am going to try this morning. WOW-looks like a goody! Can't wait to get started!}(

Jacque: GOOD LUCK this morning! I know you'll do GREAT! Can't wait to read your race report later! The biker rally bbq sounds fun. Used to date a biker. Went on some bike runs that always ended with a bbq or some such thing. They were usually always a good time. :)
Jacque, good luck with your race!

Wendy, still up in the air about the cardio, but am determined to get this diet cleaned up!! Starting tomorrow :p ;-)

Lori, that is the most inconsiderate thing I've heard in a while. I cannot believe that she'd just dump the kids on you like that, NOT ask you to join them, and then cause such a comotion when she got back! I'm pissed for you! That's just not nice. x(

Ok, glad I could get that off my chest. :D


Hey Girls!

I am back from my run. I ran a different route (to stay clear of the stouts!) and I was gone for just as long. Im thinking I did another 9 miles but I may drive around just to see how far I actually went. Also, DS fell asleep for a breif time, meaning that will be his nap for the day and hopefully (fingers crossed!) he will go to bed early tonight!

I will come back for personnals in a little while but wanted to add this other little bit in...
Oh...and another note on my SIL, when she dropped the kids off I asked them if they had any supper and they told said "no we had a bag of chips on the way here"!x( She didn't even bring them back anything from the restaurant for their supper! Then she went shopping with the girls, bringing back my neice another pair of flip flops, which made #4 for the collection that was already in my porch. It kind of drives me crazy b/c my neice is 14 and when her mother is around she is a real baby...she chases her mother everywhere and calls her "mommy".AND she is just like her mother. The two of them got up,my SIL drank the last bit of milk with her bowl of Frosted flakes and then the two of them went shopping, leaving me to get breakfast for her other two kids that she didn't buy supper for last night. Sounds sensible?

Back from the run - clocked in at 1:02:55. My hips are sore.x( But I was happy that I kept up a steady pace hitting each mile marker between 10 & 10:30 minutes. Even up the hill !

Thanks for all your good wishes - I thought of you Cathe babes while I was running ! ! ! Helped me keep my pace up so I could post something decent, Ha ha ha !

Lora - sorry about working and TTOM, but glad to hear about your DOMS and your progress by changing it up ! Woo Hoo !

Wendy - sounds like a really fun day, especially spending it with Joey and watching him enjoy it so much. Definitely worth putting of your workout - they grow so fast - don't miss out on anything !;) Today is a much better day to workout - I promise !:p

Lori - you can stick it out girl, ya know ya can!:+ Besides, then you can do whatever you and DS feel like whenever you feel like. Sometimes a lack of schedule can be a break too. And as far as DS's progress - all three of mine were different. Boy, boy & girl. Middle boy was the slowest of all. At times it drove me nuts that DS2 and DD were going through the same stages at the same time and they were 2 1/2 yrs apart ! I had 3 in just less than 4 years. So interesting to see the difference in all 3. Books tell only standards and who wants a "standard" child anyway? None of mine are anywhere near that 'cuz they take after me !}( :+ }( OOhhh, neat that your Mom runs a B & B. That's up in Canada, right? One of these years we want to do a NFL hockey game up in Canada - are you and your Mom close to any of the teams?

Jen - sounds like a rest day will be a good idea. Then you can start Stage 2 or WSFL out with a bang. And by not exercising, you won't be as hungry and will be able to stick to an eating plan better ! (Or at least it sounded good, huh?:7 ) LOL at starting your eating tomorrow, but maybe today could be one of those high cal days like in staggering?
;) :p ;)

OK - off to hit the shower - then go check out the biker dudes and dudettes. DH does the majority of the cooking, guess it's pig and the lamb that was attacked last week. Most of DH's workers are there so it is not only social but kinda a work thing for him too. His guys make the best BBQ's oysters and they treat me like a queen in the food and drink dept. :9

Until tomorrow . . . Happy day my cyber buds !
Hey Girlies.

I did 5 of the 7 segments of Keith Weber's Extreme Kettlebell Cardio work out this morning. AWESOME! LOVED IT! FANTASTIC! ... Um, so can ya tell that I liked it? :p

Lunch is done so now I'm relaxing with some java. I'll put DS up for his nap in just a few and then take a nap myself. :)

Jacque: GREAT JOB! Awesome time you put up for being so nervous about the race! Wooh Hoo!:+ Have fun at your bbq. Sounds like a good time with great food. :9

Lorie: I admit to being too lazy as of yet to read your SIL saga but I promise to read it a little later and get back to you with my thoughts!

Back for some personnals!

Wendy** Did you try out the new workout? Sounds like you are gonna like it.

Jen** I was sooo ticked yesterday evening, as if chasing around a 18 month old all day wasn't bad enough, then he didn't want to go to sleep. I guess she soon forgot what babies are all about. Also, she is the kind of person that if we did that to her, she would tell you right where to go. She doesn't watch her "P"s and 'Q"s for no one. Geez...I wonder what that saying really means?

Jacque** Good job with your race girl! Hope you are enjoying your bbq! As for the baby bit, I know they all progress at different rates and we aren't worried about him at all. IMO the nurse was asking some stupid things and giving him some stupider things to play with. Who kicks a tennis ball anyway?

Lora** TTOM for me as well, didn't know it was so close! Hope your day went by fast

We have had a busy day here. Its hard to beleive that it is 6 already. By the time we got back from our run and ate it was almost 3, then we had to run out for a bit and then I took DS to the playground, until I discovered he had poo donex( He as been a good boy all day though. Im surprised. I figured I was gonna have my handsful when he realized that he hadn't seen DH in a while. He doesn't even seem to notice that he is gone! LOL And a couple of weeks ago I went away and all he did was whine....hmmmm...intersting! LOL

If I am not back tonight i will be back bright and early in the a.m. Was hoping to get a weight workout in but my body is saying its time to relax. Oh,I also drove the route I ran today and it was 16 kms, my other route was 15.3 so I went a little further. Does that mean I can have a cooler tonight??????

:9 :9 :9 :9

Hi girls!

Just a quick pop in to say that it was a rest day for me today. I opted to check out the new MGM Grand Hotel and Casino at Foxwoods instead! It was pretty impressive...pure opulence. We had dinner there, so it's official that I won't start my diet again until tomorrow, cuz I blew it tonight.

Have a good night everyone. I'll catch up with you all tomorrow.


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