alternated strength training workouts


Educated crowd, please help. I posted this in the Cathe forum, but haven't yet received an answer.

My question is: What kind of results does one obtain if one does different strength programs on alternated weeks? For example, one week S&H and the next week PS, then again S&H, then again PS... and so on. Is this NOT recommended? What if I do one week very heavy weights and, the other, light weights? What if I concentrate one week on strength and the other on endurance? Does this make sense?

Thanks in advance.

I, for one, would not recommend that. If you get bored doing one set of tapes for more than a week, then by all means switch it up, however, if you good results or strength gains, how will you know which tape was the one that got you there? I like to use PS exclusively for 6-8 weeks, CTX exclusively for 6-8 weeks, etc. This way, I know exactly which tapes gave me which results. Did that make sense? Hope so! Have fun!
Hi Mariela!

I agree with Jillybean. I have read in several fitness magazines that you should stick with a weight lifting routine for anywhere between 6 and 8 weeks. In fact, in M&F Her's July issue they mention that often you may not even start to see any results from a strength training program until after at least 4 weeks. I would stick with just one or the other for 6-8 weeks, and then switch to the other to "shock" you muscles. Just a suggestion!
I agree with them. I used to mix up weight training cause I thought that was right since you should mix up your cardio. You really do need to focus on a routine for awhile. Be Consistent!!! And you need enough cardio and a good diet to see the results.
Hi Mariela,

I know this is different than what everyone else has told you, but I have gotten the best results from the alternating type of routine. I originally did S&H for 3 straight weeks, and found that my strength endurance had been completely wiped out the first time I tried PowerHour after that. I came up with a routine where I alternate an S&H week with an endurance week (two strength endurance workouts such as MIS, PowerHour, CIA2102, whatever) for 6 weeks. By the way, during S&H weeks I do 2 intense 60 minute cardio workouts, and during endurance weeks, I usually do 2 intense and 1 light cardio workout.

The first time I did that rotation, I had strength gains AND I lost no endurance capacity. I then did the FIRM, CTX and other endurance workouts for about 3 weeks and went back to the alternating 6 week rotation. I have been very happy with the changes in my upper body and my strength gains. I have actually been able to eat normally without starving myself when doing this rotation, and haven't gotten fatter around the middle. Usually it is a never ending struggle to keep my waistline in check!

Now, I am doing a variation on the "tank top rotation" through the summer to see if I get even more upper body results with that. Then, I'll go back to the alternating S&H again. I know that you need to shock your muscles with changes, so I can't wait for Cathe to come out with another heavy weight workout.

I am naturally very skinny in the upper body and have a hard time building muscle, so maybe that's why S&H works for me. I know that if I did S&H every week, my muscles would benefit even more, but I find that my real life requires more endurance than pure strength (gardening, housework, etc.), so I don't want to lose it.

Good luck,

I'd say go for it and see how it works for you. You'll probably be able to tell after 4 weeks on this rotation if its having positive effects.

I personally am doing a summer rotation of Slow and Heavy and FIRM tapes. I plan to do S + H three times on alternate days, followed by the FIRM 4 times on alternate days, before starting over.

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