all smoothie-protein drinkers look here!!


I am looking for everyone's homemade recipes for smoothies and protein shakes. I need ideas including the use of fruits,juices, milk,peanut butter, etc. Has to taste good. I want to include this in my clean eating. Any good books on this topic??

thanks, joanna
Well, I wouldn't exactly call these "recipes," but I do like to throw a few strawberries in my vanilla protein shakes. I also know someone who puts a drop of mint flavoring in her chocolate shakes. Wish I was more creative in this area. I'll keep an eye here to see what recipes you find.
I usually add frozen fruit or bananas,oranges,pineapple,strawberries or any kind of fruit would do.Then maybe a little orange juice. I would like some good recipes tho too..i always do about the same thing.:)
Hi Joanna,

I just started a morning shake with "a bunch of junk" in it. I use

6 oz orange juice
1/4C vanilla FF yogurt
2 T ground flax
1 tsp. MSM
1 tsp. glutamine
2 T natural apple cider vinegar (from Health Food Stores)
1/2 scoop whey protein powder mix (about 10 gram protein)
a little sweetener to kill the taste of the MSM
1/2 banana or pineapple chunks

Is it absolutely delicious? No way. Is it drinkable without gasping or making funny faces? Yes, it really doesn't taste bad at all and it is full of nutrients.

Have a great day! I love Spring!!:7


I got this one out of Shape Magazine: (soooooooo goood!)

1/2 cup Vanilla Low Fat Frozen Yogurt
1/4 tsp Almond Extract
1 tbsp Slivered Blanched Almonds
1/3 cup Low Fat Milk
1 tbsp creamy peanut butter
2 tbsp flaxseed oil

I haven't tried it with flaxseed oil yet, but it is delicious and nutritious!!

Mix frozen yogurt and peanut butter in blender and set on whip for 5 seconds. Add almond extract and almonds and whip for 5 seconds. Add skim milk and flaxseed oil and whip for 5 additional seconds.

This has protein and vitamin E. The flaxseed oil provides the Omega 3 fatty acids.
I'm lazy, so I throw some vanilla soy protein powder into a glass of o.j. to make "dreamsicle" shakes.
(good reminder that I need to start having those for breakfast again--they just do NOT appeal in the dead of winter in Colorado!)

My fave is

Designer Protein in chocolate
cup of 1% milk
1 packet Sweet-n-Low
teaspoon or so of vanilla extract
2-3 tablespoons cocoa powder (I don't think it's that bad for ya)
ice cubes

Blend and drink. You can also throw in a little instant coffee for a chance OR half a frozen banana, chunked.

I'm pretty finicky, and these are all quite doable. Enjoy.

I love smoothies and protein shakes; here's one of my favorite:

Cottage Cheese (1/3 to 1/2 cup)
Designer Whey protein powder (vanilla)1 scoop
Frozen Strawberries or Blueberries
Milk (1/2 to 1 cup)
Flax oil (1 TBSP)
Packet of Splenda or sweetner of your choice



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