All cardio dvds



I need to incorporate ALOT of cardio into my workouts. I'm not a runner (shin splints) and don't care too much for the treadmill, which of Cathe's dvd(s) can I purchase that's all cardio. The dvd(s) can be new or outdated. I don't mind step or floor aerobics.

Thank you,
The Rhythmic Step / Interval Max / Maximum Intensity Cardio DVD

The Cardio Hits DVD (all step)

Circuit Max / Cardio Kicks DVD; although Circuit Max incorporates 2-minute compound move resistance cycles, you can easily bounce around during these interstices until she gets back to the kick-butt cardio. Cardio Kicks is straight-up kickboxing.

That oughtta get you started.

In addition to those already mentioned I'd add in the Step Blast/Step Jump and Pump dvd b/c the workouts and music are fantastic! SJP has some strengthening in the main workout but this dvd has a zillion cardio only premixes! Also IMax2/Cardio&Weights....C&W has a cardio only premix.
I just bought the Classics Vol. 1 dvd. It has three step workouts on it. That are all awesome. Step Heat being my favorite. The music is good on all three workouts too.
I am still sweating from this morning's workout!


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