
Anyone watch Alias last night? Is Vaugn leaving the show? I haven't heard anything about that but after watching this show, I'm wondering if he left? I'll be so bummed if he does. I'm hoping its just a cover to make the bad buys think he's dead, but I don't know.

Love this show!
Oh, me too. I love Vaughn!! I haven't heard anything about him leaving the show, but it sure looks convincing since Sydney and Jack were with him when he died.

Actually there was a lot of Hollywood chatter about Vaughn leaving the show this season, and that it might be Jennifer Garner's last season, etc. I don't know if he's left the show YET, that seems too easy, and maybe not at all--you know how the writers love to jerk us around on the "who's dead" chain. I love this show!
Wow, I didn't know Jennifer Garner was thinking of leaving, she is soo cute!! I can't help thinking that even when she's kicking somebody's butt. I think it might be a hoax, her father didn't shed a tear and she still seemed a little too pulled together for someone who also happens to be pregnant. Anyway that's what I think.
Bringing in some "new blood" (to test the waters and see how audience response is) might be the first step in replacing Vaughn and Sidney (I hadn't heard the rumor about Jennifer leaving after this season, but that show has to be tough even when one isn't pregnant or with a new baby, so I wouldn't be surprised if she at least reduced the amount of time she's on the show, rather than being in almost every scene).
Oh no, I forgot that Alias was coming back on. I hope my Tivo recorded it! I better go check. It's funny all these shows that I'm taping I would have to run a marathon on my treadmill to catch up! I'll have to put my Cathe cardio on the side for awhile to catch up!:-(

I didn't know that Jennifer Garner was going to leave either?

Rumor has it (I read way too much People magazine!) that Garner didn't want to work with ex-boyfriend Vartan anymore after marrying Ben Affleck. So she asked to have him written off. Is this true? I don't know but I have read it (I am ashamed to say!).

I used to love this show but I'm not happy with the direction it is going. They are bringing in a lot of new people for Sydney to "mentor." We'll see. I may convert to Everyone Hates Chris!

I was kind of wondering that myself. I know Jennifer and Vartan had a relationship when Alias first aired. People magazine is usually pretty true with stories (I think). Bummer, I really like Vartan, he's such a cutie!
Could somebody fill me in on what happened in the first episode? Out channels changed here (NBC station became ABC and vice versa, or something similar) and when I went to tape it, I inadvertently put in the old channel, so I got "Joey" and "Will and Grace" instead of "Alias.":-(

If I remember correctly you live north of me. Our channels changed? Are you sure?

I still have to watch this, so I can't help you. I'd love to watch a show when it's really on. Oh well, at least I have my good ol' Tivo.:)

So, did you watch "Joey" and "Will and Grace"?;-)

>If I remember correctly you live north of me. Our channels
>changed? Are you sure?
Mine did, what used to be channel 11 is now channel 7 and vice versa (I used to get 2 ABC channels --channel 2 and channel 11--and now I just get one--channel 7).
Oh, I thought you meant "Alias" was now on NBC instead of ABC. I guess it must be a cable thing - ours is still the same.


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