Alcohol makes me do stuff!


Okay, not the stuff that you're thinking about, you nasty people! :D It's a funny thing, but I can be completely unmotivated to do something I have to do and all I have to do is pour a glass of wine and I'm doing it. This is stuff like cleaning house (anyone who knows me knows that this is not my forte!) I don't even have to drink the wine- just having it there helps!

I've even done strength workouts after imbibing alcohol, when I really didn't want to do them before the alcohol. (Not that I recommend this!!!)

There's something about alcohol that makes unpleasant tasks more palatable.

I would tell you the point of what I'm trying to say, but I've had some espresso vodka and cleaned the kitchen and I really can't remember what the point was!

Anyone else have this particular weird malfunction?
Woman, if you want to come clean my house, I'll supply all the booze you need:p I couldn't get drunk enough to clean the house! Me, it just makes me chit-chatty and frisky ;). My roommate in college was a crying drinker. Goodness, I can't stand crying women!!!! Probably b/c I'm not a crier.

Bottoms up!

Woman, if you want to come clean my house, I'll supply all the booze you need:p I couldn't get drunk enough to clean the house! Me, it just makes me chit-chatty and frisky ;). My roommate in college was a crying drinker. Goodness, I can't stand crying women!!!! Probably b/c I'm not a crier.

Bottoms up!


LOL!! You're so funny Nan.:D Ditto to everything you said.

I'm chatty. Booze is like a truth serum to me. Women are not the only cry baby drunks... My brother is a cry baby and he drunk calls people(calls people up on the phone drunk)! OMG!!! :eek: Don't freakin drunk call me.:eek:
LOL!! You're so funny Nan.:D Ditto to everything you said.

I'm chatty. Booze is like a truth serum to me. Women are not the only cry baby drunks... My brother is a cry baby and he drunk calls people(calls people up on the phone drunk)! OMG!!! :eek: Don't freakin drunk call me.:eek:

OMG, you should never drink and dial! I am just the opposite. When I pour a glass of wine it makes me want to chill. It does help with dinner prep though!

Mmmmm.....things I have to do today: Go pick up son from school, go to grocery store, go to bank, etc. BUT, after reading this thread, new list: go to liquor store......
ITA .. makes me hyper .. cant sit still :eek: ..LOL!!!! Alcohol is the only thing that makes housecleaning doable :p
Nope don't have that problem at all. I'm the complete opposite 1/2 to 1 glass of wine or other alcoholic drink & I'm ready to go to sleep - it's lights out for me. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!! I am so happy to see that others do that too. I once folded 5 loads of laundry after wine - an the best part is that I don't remember doing much, just that the laundry was done!!! :D:D:D


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