Air/motion sickness


New Member
Does anyone have a problem with flying and suffering air sickness? I never had a problem until a few years ago (is that another side effect of aging??!!) . . . the nausea hits me as we're heading down the runway and from there on it's 4-6 hours of hell. Do any of you have tried-and-try methods of preventing this? THANKS!!!!
Hi Fitone!! Oh boy, do I know motion sickness! I can't even sit on my porch swing and read because the movement of the swing coupled with reading will make me SICK!!!! :-tired Yes, even airplanes do it to me. Have you tried Dramamine? It can help quite a bit to alleviate the motion sickness. But even still, when I take it, I still can't read in an airplane or a car. I just have to sit and focus on something ahead of me. Oh, also, it helps me to NOT fly on an empty stomach. One of those large, soft pretzles usually helps my tummy as well as the 7-Up they sometimes offer on the plane. I hope this helps you some. Take care! :)


p.s. If you try Dramamine, get the chewable kind!
Here are three remedies in order of effectiveness. One is dramamine, the mildest, and it does also make you drowsy. Two is take 3 ginger capsules. Clinical trials show it works better than dramamine. And three is Bonine (the drug is meclizine). It just came over the counter a year or two ago, used to be prescription only. I can now go on boats and go diving! I used to be incapacitated by motion sickness. Take one the night before, and one an hour or two before the "event". It lasts 24 hours.
Lastly, if I were you I would skip straight to the strong stuff, it is so effective. As a side-effect it is a decongestant so it keeps your ears clear. This is great for diving and flying.
I suffer from motion sickness everywhere -- planes, buses cars. I thought I'd die while I was pregnant because I commute by bus. Anyway, what worked for me was the combination of motion sickness pressure bracelets and sour lemon candy. There's something about lemon that cuts nausea for me. The bracelets work by accupressure and are available in drug stores. Good luck!


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