


Just curious to see if your video's arrived today. Was it the same UPS man from yesterday? I'm still giggling over that one

Yes, and Yes!!

I got them at 6:00 last night and it was the same guy!! When he delivered them, he winked and said "How about now?" and laughed. My husband was standing there and of course, he asked what that meant( I had not told him about the previous day!) Well I told him the story, and he was on the ground laughing at me! By this time I had seen the humor in it and joined in at laughing at myself. Of course, when my older brother came over later Bob JUST HAD to tell him all about it. I'm sure it is all over the family by now
! It's a good thing we all have a sense of humor
Aimee, are you stalking the UPS man?

Was that your post that said you went outside when the UPS man came to your neighbors, but the delivery wasn't for you? Girl, you crack me up! BTW, I ordered the 8 new tapes yesterday, so hopefully the United Pacel Service hasn't crossed my name off their list due to vicous dogs!! I will have to go get my "boys" some new toys so they won't notice when the UPS man comes. (Like that would actually work, right?!!)
Yes, that was me!!

!! I just love those shorts they wear. I'm kidding! Anyway, congratulations on getting to order the new tapes!! I've done 4 of them so far and have found 3 of them wonderful!! Hey, 3 out of 4 ain't bad, right? So, I've got 4 to go. Now if I can just think of something else to order to get that UPS man back here..... Give your "babies" a kiss on the nose for me!! Let me know what you think of the tapes

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