After 9 years of trying for #2, I'm finally...


Offically 7 weeks pregnant, thanks to my reproductive endocrinologist, and the drugs Glucophage (I'm insulin-resistant; pre Type-2 Diabetic) and Clomid, 50mgs!!!
We had the first transvaginal U/S and we seen the heartbeat and everything looks good, but the exciting thing is that there's only 1! We thought there was a possibility of multiples, but it's now ruled out...and I can keep teaching step and BodyPUMP! Woo Hoo :) I've been modifying anyway but soon I'll be teaching 6 classes a week, but thank goodness that's all I do so I'm napping in between each class...

CATHE: How many a classes are you teaching right now?

That was my biggest concern...anyhow, my EDD is August 9, 2002, 2 days after my 29th B-Day. It all just seems so unreal after being so diappointed for so long...I'm going to have to start all over again with baby stuff!!
Good luck to everyone and
Congratulations Myra!

Great news! You must be thrilled!
I think I'm due the same time as you - I'm going for an u/s tomorrow to determine a due date, but my doctor guessed that I am about 7 weeks along!
We did infertility treatments for my first two pregnancies - it was tough, but well worth it! This pregnancy was a total surprise.
Best wishes for a wonderful pregnancy!!
RE: Congratulations Myra!

It's always so nice to hear of people trying these treatments and getting pregnant. I know how difficult it can be, emotionally. Congratulations! And congrats to ebh87, how ironic that this one took you by surprise.
Congrats! My EDD is 06/24/02. My youngest son is also 9 so I feel like I'm starting all over again. Are you the same Myra that posts at VF?

RE: Congratulations Myra!

Hi Erica,
Congratulations on your surprise pregnancy! It is amazing how many people I know that had to take fertility treatments to get pregnant the first and second time around but then ended up with a surprise 3rd pregnancy with no effort at all. (Well, I guess there's always a little effort made huh? HaHa!

Take care and I hope you have a smooth and easy pregnancy and delivery.

Hi Myra,

I remember reading posts from you on and off where you mentioned you were trying to get pregant for quite a CONGRATULATIONS!!! :-jumpy I am really so happy for you. I wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy. :)

Congratulations Myra! Good luck and best wishes to you too. Great news!!! Oh btw, I am teaching 6 MODIFIED classes weekly (3 body pump, one step, one circut, and one kickbox). Take Care!
Hello Windy!
Yep, it's me the same Myra...I just signed up over at VF again, I love their new software...I hope others can remember me, it's been almost 6 months since I've posted...since I started the infertility treatments...
I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay excited but I'm wondering if I'll ever get over this sinus infection that I received as a present for Christmas!! Anyhow, thanks everyone for the congrats! Oh, and Cathe, I'll be teaching 5 classes (+ my 2 step classes) starting in a few weeks, I'm subbing for that super-fit gal who's gonna deliver on the 18th (3 BodyPUMP and 2 Step classes)...I'll be sure to MODIFY them as well!

Myra :)
Pregnancy checkin

There's a pregnancy check-in over at VF but I haven't been working out really. I'm recovering from a nasty sinus infection also. Glad to see you again.


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